Advantages Of Abortion

The most dangerous place to be in America today is in a mother’s womb. Every day over 4000 preborn babies are forcefully removed by a process called abortion.

“Webster’s Encyclopedia of Dictionaries” says abort(ion) means “to fail to bring to fruition.” Fruition as used here means the intended result. As applied to a human being it means a human life is not allowed to mature.

Some say the unborn is merely a fetus. What ever it is it is there and therefore a “being.” Because of it being there it is a being. It surely is not a non-being. It results from copulation by two human beings so it is human. It is not a nonentity or a non-human species; it is rather a preborn human being.

Proabortionists say it is merely fetal matter until it starts breathing. Using that narrow guideline consider this.

Dr. “Luke the beloved physician” (Colossians 4:14) used the Greek word “brephos” for such an unborn infant. It meant “a breathing infant.” Doctor Luke used the same word to describe Christ after His birth. Naturally the question arises: How could a preborn be considered “a breathing thing?”

For years it had to be accepted by faith. Modern science has now helped our understanding. The answer is the fetus “breathes” and receives nourishment through the placenta. An example is found in a surgery known as “cardiopulmonary bypass.” During the procedure the lungs of the patient are artificially inflated to prevent them from collapsing. This does not oxygenate the blood during surgery. This has to be done by a separate mechanical process because during surgery the patient “breathes through the blood.” In like manner the preborn breathes through the placenta. This is a breathing human being.

King David wrote, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are your works” (Psalm 139:14).

That statement was made long before David had cause to know his body consisted of 30 trillion cells, each with twenty-three chromosomes all of which have memory. At the moment of conception the genes are present that determine whether you will be an ectomorph, a tall person; endomorph, fat person; or a mesomorph, in between. Innate in those genes at the instant of conception are the color of your hair, eyes, skin, sex and a gene that determines whether you will be a person who sleeps late or gets up early. Eighteen weeks later all the organs, fingers and toes are formed. A human being is in the process of coming to fruition.

The productivity of those 4000 aborted each day will never be known. Consider whether you would recommend aborting this preborn. The mother was pregnant with her fifth child. Her husband had syphilis, and she tuberculosis. Their first child was born blind. Their second child died shortly after birth. Their third child was deaf. Their fourth child had tuberculosis. Would you have aborted the fifth child?

If so, you just suggested aborting Ludwig van Beethoven and robbed the world of some of its best music.

Persons considering and abortion should ask themselves the question posed by the ancient prophet: “Shall I give my first-born for my transgressions, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” (Micah 6:7)

There are viable alternatives to abortion. Compassionate help is available. Women’s Pregnancy Centers are available in most metropolitan areas. Local church can also be a source of assistance. Explore every option in order to avoid that which many persons retrospectively regret.

Oh, the advantages of abortion. There are none.