How To Edify Others

Do you ever get discouraged, depressed, defeated or depleted? Most folks do. What then?
In the movie “Lord of the Rings” trilogy Frodo reached the slopes of Mount Doom only to collapse. His journey was so nearly complete, his goal was in sight, but he just could not go on. In his seeming victory of good over evil now it appeared evil would win.
Sam, Frodo’s faithful companion, pleaded with him to get up and complete his task. Fellow hobbits exhorted and appealed Frodo to get up but he just could not. He was too depleted to continue
Sam too was exhausted but he said, “Mr. Frodo, I can’t do it for you, but I can pick you up and take you there.” Exhausted as he was, Sam lifted Frodo and carried him to the heart of Mount Doom, where victory was finally won.
Sooner or later we all are a Frodo in need of a Sam. That appears to be the norm.
Here is the good news. Often you have the opportunity to be a Sam. Don’t miss a single chance. The Sams of the world are the most fulfilled of all people. Look for opportunities to be a Sam.
They abound. You will find them right at home some days.
Our English word “edify” comes from the same root as edifice. An edifice is a building. An edifice has been built up. When you edify a person you build them up. All of us need edifying at some time. Here is the good news. There is a market for edifyers. Be one.
There was a Bible character named Barnabas. His name meant “son of encouragement.” To join his ranks as sons or daughters of encouragement is to align yourself with a cadre of positive people.
Edifying someone is the most edifying thing you can do.
Encouraging someone is one of the most encouraging things you can do.
Being a Sam is one of the most gratifying things you can do.
It is then you know the meaning of the expression “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” For it is in giving that we receive. It is therapeutic.
When we get our self off our mind and our mind off our self then we can see the opportunities all about us.
Charlie Brown asked Lucy. “Why are we here?”
Philosophically Lucy replied, “To serve other people.”
After musing over the answer Charlie replied in a manner that might typify many of us. He said, “Well, why are other people here?”
We seem more interested in the last query of Charlie without giving enough attention to the reply of Lucy.
There is a remarkable edifier in Bermuda. Johnny Barnes gets up at 3:40 AM every day and goes to the Crow Lane roundabout. Till 10:00 AM he is there waving to every passerby shouting “God bless you,” or “I love you.” He has been doing it every day for twenty years. Island dwellers appreciate and enjoy him so much they have erected a life-size bronze statue to carry on the tradition after he is gone.
There may be no bronze statue in honor of us but we can all manifest the spirit of Johnny Barnes and be a Sam, a Barnabas, a Johnny, an edifier.