1999 Sermons

Servants Not Celebrities 4/18/99

Matthew 24:44-47

Jesus Christ sprinkled His wonderful teachings with clues as to how to have joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Would you like this triumvirate in your life? Virtually everyone does. Good! That means you and the Lord are on the same page.

Albert Schweitzer, a brilliant man with four PhD’s said, “The only ones among us who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” SERVE?

In a day when it is celebrity status that is sought in anticipation of it bringing fulfillment and happiness many have a void in life.

Astronauts David R. Scott and James B Irwin were the focus of worldwide attention July 30 through August 1, 1971. Having landed on the moon in their spacecraft Falcon, they proceeded to set unimaginable records. They had explored 17.4 miles of the moon’s surface in their electric car. They were doing what mankind had dreamed of for centuries. As a result of their heroic exploits their names would forever be etched in the annals of space travel. Virtual deification awaited them upon return.

After piloting their spacecraft on their 250,000 mile journey back to planet Earth, James Irwin noted, “As I was returning to earth I realized that I was a servant —- not a celebrity. So I am here as God’s servant on planet earth to share what I have experienced that others might know the glory of God.”

That is the only reason we are here on earth. Failing to realize our purpose and by not filling it people are left unfulfilled and unhappy.

Jesus Christ illustrated the most profound principles of life with the simplest of stories. He told of a master going away and leaving a servant in charge. He noted the servant could respond in one of two ways. He could faithfully exercise the will of his master or he could be unfaithful and disloyal.

The purpose of the story was to illustrate for us the need of remaining faithful to our Master as His servants. Previously He had said, “It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master” (Matthew 10:25).

(1) A servant does what he says he will do. vs. 3

(2) A servant will be an example to the people. vs. 4

(3) A servant does not do what he does to be seen. vs. 5

(4) A servant puts others before himself. vs. 6

(5) A servant is humble not proud. vs. 7, 8

Those who teach spiritual truths must model the truths shared. Spiritual teachers are not merely passing on a body of information to students, but they must model it. They are to be living demonstrations of how to integrate faith and practice. The student can be considered taught when the teacher is emulated.

A primary characteristic of a servant is he is under authority. Philippians 2:8 says of Christ, “He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Christ’s optimum obedience is noted in this same passage in that He was “obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Our Master, Jesus Christ, was under authority and so should we be. He took the towel, the symbol of servanthood, and washed the disciple’s feet.

Richard Foster: “Whenever there is trouble over who is the greatest, there is trouble over who is the least. That is the crux of the matter for us, isn’t it? Most of us know we will never be the greatest; just don’t let us be the least. Gathered at the Passover feast, the disciples were keenly aware that someone needed to wash the others’ feet. The problem was that the only people who washed feet were the least. So there they sat, feet caked with dirt. It was such a sore point that they were not even going to talk about it. No one wanted to be considered the least. Then Jesus took a towel and a basin and redefined greatness.”

Right here we must see the difference between choosing to serve and choosing to be a servant. When we chose to serve, we are still in charge. We decide whom we will serve and when we will serve. And if we are in charge, we will worry a great deal about anyone stepping on us, that is, taking charge over us.

But when we choose to be a servant, we give up the right to be in charge. There is great freedom in this. If we voluntarily choose to be taken advantage of, then we cannot be manipulated. When we choose to be a servant, we surrender the right to decide when we will serve. We become available and vulnerable.

Self-righteous service picks and chooses whom to serve. Sometimes the low and defenseless are served because that will ensure a humble image. True service is indiscriminate in its ministry. It has heard the command of Jesus.

Mother Teresa said, “I belong to Jesus, He must have the right to use me without consulting me.” That is the spirit of this text: “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s” (Romans 14:8). Being His gives Him the right to use us.

Much of the Old Testament was His pre-written biography. Numerous prophecies told of what He would be and do. Once on His earthly mission, He could choose to or not to do what is was said of Him. Wilfully, He was faithful under the authority of God’s Word. Every believer should be also.

An illustration of this is found in Hebrews 10: 5 & 9: “A body you have prepared for me…Behold I have come–In the volume of the book it is written of Me–To do your will, O God…Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.”

The Father’s will was made known in the Old Testament. Jesus Christ willfully put Himself under that authority.

Isaiah 61: 1, 2a identified specific things Christ was to come to do. He was obedient in doing them. We too are to serve under the authority of the Bible.

Recently in Reno, Nevada, I heard of a partially-educated individual who had great faith. He was asked if He believed in the verbal inspiration of Scripture. He replied, “I sure do. I believe in the verbal inspiration, the adverbal inspiration, the nounal and prounounal inspiration, and the conjunctional inspiration of the Bible.” Me too!


– Co-servants, check yourself on this one text. Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33). Much is said about spiritual authority without really knowing what it is.

Spiritual authority is the authority to serve, authority to put yourself last, authority to say no to the world’s idea of self-promotion. Christ has told us His secret … and we are authorized to imitate Him. To obey means putting yourself at the whim of the needs of others, to give up your rights and humble yourself, leaving the promotion and control up to God.

Afficionados of old war movies know well the winner of seven Academy Awards “Bridge Over the River Kwai.” Filmed in 1957 this film directed by David Lean won Best Picture of the Year. Anyone having seen it will never forget the theme music.

This epic is the story of prisoners of war held by the Japanese in the Kwai valley. It depicts how they were tortured and abused. At times their exploitation is gruesome. Their miserable state is graphically portrayed.

There is another account of the events that happened there the secular media would not dare tell. It is a book entitled Through the Valley of the Kwai by Ernest Gordon.

It also depicts the brutality suffered. It further accounts the infighting among the group as an outgrowth of their sense of frustration and futility. However, it tells the true story of how one member of that tortured company had a New Testament. Lacking anything to do an enlisted man asked that a portion be read one day. Soon all the men were listening. It transformed the camp completely. Infighting stopped and kind reactions resulted from mistreatment. One day a train load of wounded Japanese soldiers stopped in the compound. Forgetting all about themselves the prisoners comforted and ministered to them. They said they were merely doing what Christ taught we should do to our enemies.

As spiritual prisoners of war we too need to respond in like manner.

– Here is a second test:

Jesus said, “I am come to seek and to save that which is lost.” Then He added, “As my Father has sent Me, even so send I you.” Are you sharing your faith in Christ in such a way as to try to encourage people to receive Him as Savior?

– Another test is found in II Corinthians 5: 19, 20. Therein, He said we are His ambassadors. This role we can’t fulfill without Him and He won’t fulfill without us.

It is God’s WORD — “the word”

It is God’s WORK — “reconciliation”

It must be done in God’s WAY — “God…pleading through us.”

As Jesus was under authority, so He expects us to be. After His resurrection, He said to His followers, “Behold My hands, and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have” (Luke 24:39).

The Holy Spirit whose mission it is to draw people to Christ has no body of His own. No hands, feet, or mouth. That is, unless we let Him use ours.

“God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, Abba, Father!” (Galatians 4:6).

This combination forms a unique relationship. He has your body and you have His Spirit.

Because Christ was faithfully under authority, ALL authority has been given unto Him — READ: Matthew 28: 19, 20.

There are two New Testament words for power. One means ability. The other authority. We are so preoccupied with Christ’s ability and our desire for Him to use it for our good that we forget about His authority over us.

As Christ was under the authority of the Father, so we are to be under His authority.

He said, “All authority is given unto Me…” Then He added, “Lo, I am with you…” We consider this to be comforting, and it is. We are reassured in light of His ability, that is, His power. Often we fail to realize His primary reason for being with us is to exercise authority over us.

His presence is not just for our COMFORT but for His CONTROL over us.

When we are under His control, we are under all that is His.

A wealthy antique collector whose only son and wife had died some years before also died. He left a large estate containing many valuable antiques. His meticulous will detailed how everything was to be disposed of. According to the provisions of the will, a well-publicized auction was set. Major collectors came from great distances. Their disappointment was visible when the first item offered was an amateurish oil painting of the son of the deceased. The first bid came only after considerable prodding from the auctioneer. $25 was the first bid. The auctioneer knew how to motivate bidders and soon got a $50 bid. Bids rose: $100, $125, and finally $150.

With the awarding of the painting, an envelope was to be opened according to the instructions of the will. The brief note therein stated, “All that is here belongs to you. He who gets the Son gets it all.”

If we have the Son of God, we have all that is under His authority. We have it when He has all that is under our authority.

What Is “Yourself” Worth? 5/23/99

II Timothy 3:1-5

Jesus Christ was asked what is the first and greatest commandment. He answered: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.

This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22: 37 – 39).

With incredible agility we have managed to hurdle the first two commandments and make a third to which our generation is inclined to give full devotion. It is the “as yourself” part where we pause and express devotion.

Self-esteem is the issue of the hour. It is the latest educational fad sweeping the country. This movement, which professes to help students make better grades and people in the work force be more productive, began in California. Because of the notoriety given the program, the state of California commissioned a study entitled, “The Social Importance of Self-Esteem.” In part, the critical study revealed “One of the disappointing aspects…is how low the associations between self- esteem and its consequences are in research data.” NO connection was found between promoting self- esteem and enhanced educational performance. The study did expose a false assumption and showed there is no consistent link between low self-esteem and other factors commonly thought to be associated with poor academic achievement, such as child abuse, teen pregnancy, crime, welfare dependency, and substance abuse.” (Marietta Daily Journal 2/27/91, as reported from the “Providence Journal”).

No persons in our society have a greater reason to enjoy a good healthy self-image than Christians. Knowing we human beings are the object of God’s uninhibited love should give dignity and a sense of self-worth like nothing else can.

One of the most thrilling thoughts to course across my mind is, “I am loved — by Almighty God.” W-O-W!

Self-esteem is based on how we perform and what people think of us. It is performance based.

With the rash of violence sweeping our nation answers are being sought. Even some national news casts have made positive reference to the need for a return to moral values. Comments have been made regarding the removal of prayer and the Bible from schools. The removal of virtually any acknowledgment of God and Biblical moral values coupled with the self-esteem indoctrination has left many frustrated.

In the history of the English language the term self-esteem didn’t emerge until early in the 1970’s.

The removal of a Biblical world view has deprived youth of the concept of self-worth. It is needed because none of us can look, perform, and speak sufficiently to gain the approval of the majority. That being true it is inevitable that sooner or later some persons are going to lack self- esteem. At this point they look for some way of gaining popularity.

They confuse being popular with gaining attention. They think that by getting attention they will have good self-worth. Let me illustrate in an absurd way the difference. If I were to have come out on this platform wearing nothing but my yellow polka dotted bikini, I would have gotten your attention. That would not have necessarily made me popular.

A good, wholesome self-image is crucial to mental and social stability. Two extremes afford snares that entrap us and rob us of a balanced self- image. One is egotism; an inflated opinion of self. The other is self-effacement; an inability to accept self. Both are brutal and unforgiving attitudes.

A low self-image is common. Many modern influences dehumanize human beings and make people feel worthless.

Sooner or later self-esteem breaks down.

There is a self-image that gives stability at all times. It is called self-worth. Recently on national TV a golfer leading the field approached the final hole and was spoken to by the commentator. Hear this well. It is what is meant by self-worth. The commentator said the change in his game occurred in 1985 after a dismal round. At that point he and his wife sat in their old car and he changed his spiritual values. He noted the golfer said he had always thought of himself as a golfer and gained his self- esteem from that. When he changed his spiritual values he began to think of himself as something more than a golfer.

What the commentator was saying in closely guarded terms was He became a Christian and as a result came to see himself as being of infinite worth in the eyes of God and that gave him a sense of self-worth. You —- every person —- is of great enough value to God that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. That means a golfer who plays good or bad has a stable sense of self-worth.

Until that moment of transformation the golfer’s self-esteem rose and sank depending upon his golf score.

Evolutionists’ thought that we consequented from some green slime in a primordial swamp gives no dignity to our origin. The idea you are created in the image of a loving God is lofty and refreshing.

Ethologist (one who treats origins and relationships of human beings) Desmond Morris tells us we are nothing but animals. The Bible tells us we are to have dominion over them.

Behaviorist B. F. Skinner says we are only machines programmed to make automatic responses to external stimuli. The Bible says we are created by God and have a free will.

I cannot assert strongly enough my support for a good self-image. However, self-esteem suggests narcissism. That is, an inordinate love of self. In some instances, it may be just a matter of semantics, but often it is much more.

NARCISSISM is a colorful synonym for egotism. The word was coined for a fictional person who had an inordinate love for his own beauty. Before the advent of mirrors he would frequent a bridge over a pool. Leaning over, he would admire himself in the reflective pool. One day he became so enthralled with his beautiful image, he lost his balance and fell in and drowned in his own image. There is a little limerick which states:
“There once was a nymph named Narcissus,
Who thought himself very delicious;
So he stared like a fool
At his face in a pool,
And his folly today is still with us.”

There is even a manner of speaking today called “selfist jargon.” It involves terms that express preoccupation with “Me-ism.” Paul Vitz, in his book “The Cult of Self-Worship,” cites the following as a summary statement of this cult: “I love me. I am not conceited. I’m just a good friend of myself. And I like to do whatever makes me feel good….”

The two commandments given by Christ need to be considered:

Grammatically. Jesus did not say “the second and third commandments are that we are to love our neighbor and our self,” but that the second commandment is to love our neighbor as our self. This marks self-love as a fact to be accepted, but not a virtue to be accented.

Linguistically. AGAPE love means self- sacrifice in the service of another considered precious. Therefore, it cannot be self-directed.

Theologically. Self-love is Biblically considered sin. Our text speaks of persons who have inordinate concepts displeasing to the Lord and one is that they are “lovers of self” instead of “lovers of God” (II Tim. 3: 2a & 4b).

The Bible speaks on several occasions about esteeming others but has nothing to say about self- esteem. It is a worthy manual on Self-worth.

Having reservations about the term “self- esteem” because of some of the ways it is being used today by New Age advocates, I want to talk about the vitality and virtue of self-worth and a good wholesome self-image. Strange as it may sound, aids are:

In an era when there is a mindset expecting life to serve our every self-centered emotional need or whim, self-denial is unpopular. Self-absorption defines the climate of our culture. Narcissism has become one of the central themes of autobiographies.

Self-denial is ridiculed by advocates of the “me” and “now” orientation as is the loss of concern for others and the future.

Self-fulfillment, not self-denial, is the message of the hour.

The more we focus on self, the less we are available to God.

Jesus said, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Matt. 16:24).

This verse suggests three steps in self-denial:

1. Making up your mind = “IF any man will…”

2. Giving up your autonomy = “let him deny himself”

3. Taking up Christ identity = “take up his cross”

Get yourself off your mind and your mind off yourself.

Jesus said, “Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me, will save it” (Luke 9:24).

Self-denial is a synonym for self-discipline. One of the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:23 is “self-control,” that is, self-discipline.

Our text notes those who are lovers of self are without self-control (3:3).

Through the course of history, a few people have forgotten themselves into immortality. Those who forgot themselves are the ones we remember.

We love the music while often failing to apply the lines by Francis of Assisi:
“It is in giving we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

Many egotists have a poor self-image because they know their gluttony, greed, selfishness, and covetousness isn’t right, and that produces guilt.

Self-denial doesn’t simply mean not permitting our self to have a few luxuries or some favorite wholesome activity; it means denying we own ourselves and admitting we are bought with a price. It is simply a personal acknowledgment that we belong to our loving Christ and our fulfillment is found in pleasing Him.

There is a difference in denying self a few things and denying self.

To truly deny self is to disown, that is, crucify everything within our self that is incompatible with Jesus Christ. Nail it to the cross. True self-denial is the denial of our fallen or false self. This does not mean to deny the reality. It means to disallow the control of it over your life. This isn’t the road to self-destruction, but the road to self-discovery.

No person who has objectively read the Gospels could conclude Jesus had a negative opinion of people or ever encouraged a negative opinion. Consider:

A. HIS TEACHINGS. He talked about our value. He said we are “much more valuable” than birds or beasts (Matt 6:26 and 12:12).

He taught that you are worth more than the universe when He said, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?” (Matt. 16:26).

In 1975 a delightful little book came out entitled, “The Christian Looks at Himself.” The author, Anthony Hoekema, tells of a young man, who in his fight against inferiority, put a banner on his wall reading: “I’m me and I’m good, ’cause God don’t make no junk.”

B. HIS ATTITUDE. He loved everybody. His love cut across races and ages. He loved the sick, the prostitute, the thief, the religious bigot, the leper, the poor, the hungry, the rich and society’s outcasts. He accepted those the world rejected. He accepts you also. As a child you may have been rejected by a parent, you may have been an outcast in your social order, or you may have been spurned by your peers, B-U-T Jesus loves you. That should do something for your self-image.

C. HIS MISSION. He came to serve and to save (Mark 10:45).

Your worth should be based on what you are worth to God, and that is a remarkably great deal because Jesus died for you.

Christian psychologist, Lawrence J. Crabb, Jr., describes our need in this manner: “The basic personal need of each person is to regard himself as a worthwhile human being.”

Knowing that not all of us will win an Olympic gold medal or have our name entered in the Guinness Book of World Records, how can we be enabled to feel fulfilled?

Sculpture these three concepts on a granite wall in the corridors of your memory:
1. It is not important that you be the best at anything, but that you be your best at everything.
2. Avoid comparisons. You can always find someone you are better than and get an ego buzz. You will always find someone better than you and that leads to depression.
3. God does not call on us to be successful, only faithful.

If our happiness hinges on “doing,” we will inevitably be miserable. Biblically, it is contingent on “being.” It is found in being all that God wants you to be. These are internal traits.

If you have the capacity of being a “C” student, be the best “C” student you can be. If you have the ability to be an “A” student, be the best “A” student you can be.

If you are an hourly laborer, be the best hourly laborer you can be.

If you are a corporate executive, be the best corporate executive you can be.

The only standard against which you should be measured is the “you” God made you to be.

Christ said He came that we might have abundant life (John l0:l0). The secret to that abundant life is not your ability, but your response to God’s ability.

Resolve: “God I want to be all you want me to be. I want to become all you saved me to become.”

Your self-worth is closely tied to your awareness of your worth to God.

Our worth lies in the fact that our sins were paid for by Christ’s blood; therefore, you can be reconciled to God — accepted by Him. We are accepted by Him on this basis alone.

If God will accept us, if in His sight we are of infinite worth, surely, we can accept our self.

God rejoices when we accept His acceptance. Then we can accept our self.

Pardon Me, May I Tell You the Time? 1/10/99

Matthew 24:42-44
Page 1450, Come Alive Bible

Jesus Christ said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24: 35).

Thus, what He said you can rely upon. He said, “I will come again.”

Being aware that normal human curiosity would prompt the question, “When?” He said: “…of that day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father” (Matthew 24: 36).

Amazingly, date setters are always popular and always wrong.

On an episode of “Candid Camera” there was a segment in which normal things were reversed. A sign posted on a lovely lawn stated, “Please walk on the grass.” Not exactly what one might expect. Another involved a person walking up to people on the street saying, “Pardon me please, may I tell you the time?” Reaction varied. Some looked a their own watch. Some said a skeptical but polite, “Yes.” Some looked quizzically and walked away.

Pardon me, may I tell you the time?

Prophetic time setters have existed all through time. In an attempt to cheat on the future there are those who profess to be seers who know the future. Most of them are willing to tell the future for a fee. People seem to forget Christ said no person knows the time of His second coming.

With the rise of millennial fever and apocalyptic fear prophets of doom can be expected to proliferate as the year 2000 approaches. As Christians we need to be informed and prepared to respond.

False prophets can usually hit on enough things to get a following. Misses are over looked.

Edgar Casey who died in 1945 still has a large following. Now that 1998 has passed it is safe to share his prediction that a large chunk of California would fall into the Pacific between 1958 and 1998.

Nostradamus (1503-1566) correctly predicted King Henry II would die in a jousting accident and he did. This gave him and “in” with the queen and a fortune.

He also predicted the king of France would conquer Turkey, convert the nation to Christianity, and become emperor of the world. That made him the man of the hour in France —- for a short time. Most of his prophecies did not come true but a large contingency of his followers still today are devotees.

In 1956 Jean Dixon predicted that in 1960 a brown haired, blue eyed, democratic president would be elected and die in office. When President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 her popularity sky rocketed and her followers proliferated. It should be noted she also predicted that in 1958 World War III would begin, the Soviets would land the first man on the moon, a comet would strike the earth in the mid 1980’s, and a woman would be elected president in the 1980’s. Not! On all those.

William Miller, a farmer from Vermont, used his Bible to calculate Christ would come in 1843, about 20 years after his prophecy. When pushed to be more specific he said March 21, 1843. When Christ did not Miller recalculated and apologized for his error. He meant October 22, 1844. Over 100,000 Millerites quit their jobs, sold their possessions (what good does that do?) And waited for the end to come.

Edgar Wisenaunt wrote a book entitled “88 Reasons Why the Rapture will be in 1988.” It sold millions and panicked legions.

Even Hal Lindsay noted in his very popular book that 1988 would be the year of our Lord’s return.

Pat Robinson once “guaranteed” a 1992 Tribulation “sparked by a Russian invasion of Israel.”

With the approach of the new millennium prophets are arising as they did in 999.

For the Christian it is vital to ask, “What time is it?” Is 1999 the final year of the count down to Christ’s coming. It may be. It may not be. He may come on the millennium. Not 2000, but 3000.

From the stand point of a minister I only know the day of the week He will come, not the date. It will be on a Monday for the Scripture says He will come on “a day no man thinketh.” That’s got to be a Monday.

I believe with all my heart His coming is imminent, though it may not be immediately. There is a difference in those words. To say it is imminent means it can be at any moment. That includes immediately. To say it is immediate excludes a delay if it pleased Him. It is imminent.

God’s people are not to try to harness the forces of nature, engage in divination, or sorcery, or search out popular prognosticators, but to put their faith in the Word of God.

The important thing is to intrust the future to our trustworthy God. God said of false prophets: “‘I am the LORD, who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself; Who frustrates the signs of the babblers, And drives diviners mad; Who turns wise men backward, And makes their knowledge foolishness;’” (Isaiah 44:24 – 25).

If you hear a date “fixer” you are listening to a person who is by their action saying they know what God said no one knows. Before His ascension Jesus said not even He knew the appointed time.

I don’t look forward to the undertaker, but I do look forward to the upper taker. I don’t look forward to a clef in the ground but I do look forward to a cleavage in the sky.

We should live as though He might come today and plan and work as though He isn’t coming for a hundred years. Rejoice He is coming. In the meantime what are we to do. Three of the things are clearly noted in Scripture.

There are 1,845 Scriptures attesting to the coming of Christ. It is the main theme of 21 books of the Bible. Every chapter in I and II Thessalonians closes with a reference to his coming. Over half the verses in the New Testament relate to His coming. Read the New Testament and your ears will ring with the footsteps of His glorious coming.

Anticipation of His coming is a marvelous motivation. It is a catalyst to faithfulness.

Christ said, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42). And again He said, “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming” (Matthew 25:13).

Scripture includes this vital insight: “scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation” (II Peter 3: 3, 4).

There will be people saying people have long been saying He is coming and He hasn’t. Therefore, I don’t believe He is coming again.”

When you hear a person say that rejoice because that is a sign of His coming.

Anticipation of His coming is a marvelous motivating factor. It prompts diligence.

While in the third grade our teacher told us the superintendent of schools had honored our school by visiting and our class was blessed because he was going to visit in it. Having told us this she said, “Now boys and girls you be very quiet and orderly I am going to the office to get him.”

You have never seen a more orderly group of children as we waited quietly. We were ready.

However, it took Mrs. Potter longer to come back than we anticipated. Soon the class became restless, then noisy, finally boisterous. Just as Mrs. Potter opened the door and the superintendent stepped in Hulet, having his back to the door stood with his lasso rope, swung it around, threw it over the head of Zenell and yelled, “Swing her up to the chandelier, boys.”

There was a breakdown in our watch. We weren’t ready for his coming.

We should live as though Christ died yesterday, rose today, and is coming tomorrow.

Colossians 3: 23 is my life’s theme text: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” That develops diligence.

This theme is further developed: “Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless” (II Peter 3:14).

There are certain signs Christ told us to look for.

Matthew 24: 4 – 8 says in the latter days the abnormal will be considered normal. Listen to any talk show for verification this is now happening.

Isaiah 66:8 said a nation would be born in a day. In AD 135 Roman General Titus and his army returned to the imperial city chanting, “Hierosoluma est perdita” meaning “Jerusalem is destroyed.” The nation of Israel was no more for nearly 1800 years. November 29, 1947 the United Nations established the new nation of Israel and a nation was born in a day.

Luke 24: 21 the time of the Gentiles will have ended in Jerusalem. In June of 1967 a small army of Israel outnumbered 80 to 1 possessed Jerusalem. When on June 7, 1967 Rabbi Goren and his fellow soldiers rushed to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem the time of the Gentile rule over Jerusalem was ended.

I Timothy 4:1 spoke of an increase in demon activity. The New Age movement and Satanism expose a dramatic increase in primitive religions. There are an estimated 250,000 Satanic covens in America.

When a decadent nation turns its back on God it turns back to the gods of decadence

II Timothy 3:13 says philosophical confusion will be common place. In our day street philosophy has taken place of the Scripture. Relativism has replaced absolutes.

If one dares to condemn the conduct to which our president has confessed that person is said to be throwing stones. There is an 11th Commandment in America: “Thou shalt not judge.” When a free people can’t make statements of right and wrong society has moved away from a Biblical conscience. A new relativism has eroded our moral absolutes.

Years ago writing about American democracy Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville spoke of the danger of immorality leading to greatness.

Recently, Washington Post columnist, Mary McGore wrote of President Clinton as “our first president strengthened by charges of immorality.”

God is faithful and patient, but He is not indulgent or permissive.

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3:9).

Jesus said He would not come until the “gospel of the kingdom” has been preached “in the whole world.”

To accomplish this He has given us a commission: “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen” (Matthew 28: 18 – 20).

Love compels us to want to share the love of Christ with those we love.

“not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

What priority do you give public worship?

I mentioned watching for His return motivates diligence and a desire to please Him. Can you imagine being where you should not be at church time and that is the moment He comes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be engaged in public worship when He comes.

Magnets are common today. During my childhood there wasn’t but one big magnet in my little home
town. My home town was so small it had only one yellow page with two half page ads. That magnet was owned by Mr. Cid who was noted as being very grumpy. He was the town blacksmith. He was very protective of that magnet, but because of his friendship with my dad he would let me come in and play with it occasionally. By the big emery wheel where he sharpened metal objects was a pile of iron filings like those in an etch-a-sketch. I learned that if I were to hold that magnet a certain height over those filings that the force field of the magnet would cause the iron filings to move around. The closer I moved the magnet the more responsive they were to the power of the magnet. When I would get at just the right height the filings would jump up to meet it.

As the coming of our Lord draws near His power should exert more influence on us until that moment we are caught up to meet Him in the air.

When the author walks on the stage the play is over. Are you ready?

Pardon me, may I tell you what time it is? It’s decision time.

A New Rock CD: Fossil Phobia 10/10/99


JESUS CHRIST believed in creation. He should have, He was the Creator. Genesis 1: 1 says, “In the beginning God created…” The word translated “God” is ELOHIM. It is plural; thus reference is made to the Trinity.

Then it is recorded: “Let Us make man in Our likeness…” (Genesis 1: 26). Again the plural is used.

The concept of the Trinity is a mystery. How could God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be one? The principle of the Trinity is seen throughout creation. If you add: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. This suggests a triad in which there are three separate components.

However, 1 X 1 X 1 = 1 reveals a trinity. This reveals a continuum in which each component is coexistent with the other.

The Trinity called into existence a space-mass-time universe which is itself a tri-unity. Neither space, mass nor time can have a meaningful existence without the other two.

The Hebrew text uses the word BERESHITH which is translated “In the beginning…” The Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew used the same word found in John 1: 1, EN ARCHE, and translated “In the beginning.”

The Greek literally means “Before time began to begin…” Time itself was a part of creation.

John 1: 1 continues, “Before time began to begin was the Word (LOGOS) and the Word was God…” Before there was anything there was God.

Prior to the creation of the universe not even space existed.1

The creation of the universe not only brought into existence time into which it flows, but also time into which it expands. Thus, the presence of the energy and matter of the universe not only causes the existence of time, but also of space.

Advocates of evolution postulate all the matter of the universe was compacted into the size of a pea held together by enormous gravity. An explosion sent these particles through what is now our universe, expanding and cooling to form our universe.

A legitimate question is: “Who planted the pea?” Scientists have a model that carries them back in time and space to the nano-second of creation and that pea but they have no answer to the question of where space, mass, and time came from.

Evolution is not a scientific theory or hypothesis. The term “the theory of evolution” is used but in a precise sense the expression is incorrect. That is true because it can’t be tested. A valid scientific hypothesis must be capable of being formulated experimentally in such a way that the experimental results can either be confirmed or rejected.

The first letter in the Hebrew Bible pictures the impossibility of proving anything before or about creation. It is the character “beth.” It is shaped somewhat like a square “C” facing backwards. Hebrew reads from right to left. The closed side of the “beth” is the first letter in the Bible. All that is before it is a closed issue. All ahead is open for exploration.

Two evolutionary scientists have in all honesty said, “Our theory of evolution has become … one which cannot be refuted by any possible observations. It is thus “outside of empirical science … No one can think of ways in which to test it … (Evolutionary ideas) have become part of an evolutionary dogma accepted by most of us as part of our training.”2

These noted scientists are simply saying there is no way to formulate experimentally the concept of evolution. It is a philosophy, not a science. Objective scientists acknowledge this.

Their statement also reveals the reality that most people believe in evolution because most people believe in evolution.

Surely in this mass called the universe there must be some indication when it and time began. How old is the planet Earth? Two distinct schools of thought exist. Evolutionists say it is one to six billion years old. Proponents have principles they state to validate this claim. They need an old earth model if there is to be any substance at all to the concept of evolution.

Creationists point to scientific facts indicating Earth is between 10,000 and 20,000 years old. Let’s explore some of the fingerprints on Earth to try to find its age.

There is a CD rock record, that is, Cambrian Data record of fossils that encourages the idea of a Creator.

Evolutionists say life began in simple a form and all life emerged from this one source. If that is true there must be fossil evidence to show transitional forms of life. That is, if man came from the monkeys there must be an intermediate specimen of this monkey/man. That is not only true of monkey and man but of all life.

Often the term “missing link” is used. There is no single missing link. Every transitional link is missing. If any such transitional form lived surely there must be some records in the fossils.

Layers of the Earth are given various geological ages based on the fossils in the strata. Likewise fossils are given ages based on which layer of Earth they are in. It is a bootstring effect. Each dates the other.

The layer containing the earliest fossils is known as the Cambrian layer. The Cambrian rocks, which almost always lie just above the barren Precambrian rocks, contain examples of every major kind (phyla) of animal found in the world today. An amazing thing about these fossil ancestors is they are just as complex as their modern relatives. Of the 13 phyla there are fossils of all thirteen. There are over 455 species. Many of them are far better developed than the current descendants. Do you suppose that is why the term descendant is used?

Here are principles that refute evolution. The first fossils are in many instances complex and compound.

Many species are giant ancestors of current varieties such as the 27 inch pill bug.

Instead of primitive types a considerable number of those living today are found.

The first fossil remains are in most instances identical to those of today.

The evolutionist answers that the answer must be in the Precambrian strata. Looking there, one finds no fossil remains. To cover this evolutionists say:

All life was destroyed by metamorphism of the rocks in which they occurred.

In reality only 90% of the Precambrian strata contained metamorphosis rock. The other 10% should contain some fossils but doesn’t.

The evolutionist says life only existed in those areas where metamorphism occurred.

In reality there were widespread unmetamorphosised areas which were accessible to ocean life and thus should have had fossils.

The evolutionist says the oceans were too acid for calcium shells and thus no trace. There is no evidence that the oceans were acid. Every indication is the opposite was true. However, if it had been, there could have been siliceous and chitinous skeletons.

Charles Darwin said, “To the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these assumed earliest periods prior to the Cambrian system, I can give no satisfactory answer … The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”3

Darwin further posed this worthy question: “Why, if species have descended from other species by insensible fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?”4 Good question, Charles!

An example in many school texts that is suppose to illustrate evolution relates to fossil remains of what are considered by some to have been horses. Sketches are shown depicting the reputed progression of the horse. The first is of Hyracotherium (Eohippus), a dog-sized “horse” with four toes on the front feet, moving to a three-toed variety, and ending with a one-toed Equus.

According to the theory of evolution the progression should take place over a period of time beginning with the four-toed variety and moving to the one-toed horse of today.

Again, as with all alleged evolution, there are no fossil remains of transitional stages of this development.

The biggest challenge to the theory of “horse” evolution comes from paleontology. If the “horse” fossils are an example of evolution the fossils should be dated in order of progression with the four-toed variety coming first and moving to the one-toed. The problem is that the one-toed, Thoatherium, became extinct in the Miocene epoch before the three-toed Macrauchenia made his appearance in the Pliocene period.5

A complete series of horse fossils is not found in any one place in the world arranged in rock strata in proper evolutionary order from bottom to top. Actually the three so-called fossil horse series actually appears to be three groups of genera. Yet, because the appearance seems to support evolution, this disproved example still exists in modern texts.6

In John Day County, Oregon, the three-toed variety is found with the one-toed variety and thus shown to be contemporaries, not links, in the evolutionary chain.7

Several genera lived simultaneously. Some are now classified as mutant variants of the originally created horse. There is absolutely no evidence that the popular evolutionary textbook presentation proves evolution across family boundaries, but only within the family.8

The genus “Eohippus” is placed at the base of this evolutionary tree. The name means “dawn horse.” The question is, was Eohippus a horse? He was unlike modern horses in morphology and habitat. While Eohippus does not resemble modern horses in any way, it does have striking similarities to other animals leading some to conclude “Eohippus is so primitive that it is not much more definitely equid (a horse) than tapirid, or rhinocerotid, etc.”9 This leads many scientists to believe Eohippus is more closely related to the tapir or rhinoceros than to the horse.

This classic case for evolution is without merit. Evidence more nearly confirms the concept of creation.

Since Darwin wrote, a great deal of fossil hunting has gone on. The record is basically the same today. Two given to evolutionary philosophy, Stephen Jay Gould and Steven Stanley, reached the following conclusion regarding potential gradual change in species.

“The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism:

  1. Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their
    tenure on earth. They appeal in the fossil record looking
    pretty much the same as when they disappeared; morphological
    change is usually limited and in directionless.
    [“Stasis” the consistent absence of fundamental directional
    change — is positively documented.]
  2. Sudden appearances. In any local area, a species does not
    arise gradually by steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all
    at once and ‘fully formed.'” (Ibid. p. 50.)

Darwin contended, and Neo-Darwin proponents insist, that the process called “natural selection” brought about evolutionary change in life resulting in the development of homo sapiens. Natural selection is also called “survival of the fittest.”

Steven M. Stanley, an ardent evolutionist, observed the absence of transitional fossils in the Cambrian layer and marveled over the “explosion” of a great variety of highly complex creatures including 32 orders of mammals. He concluded, “Gradual evolutionary change by natural selection operates so slowly within established species that it cannot account for the major features of evolution.”

It is believed by hardcore evolutionists that this happened in approximately 1 to 6 billion years. Stanley and others with such integrity note it would take billions of times longer and no records allot such time.10

Gerald L. Schroeder studied the matter and concluded: “Explanation of the early part of the fossil record points us, inescapably, to forces not indigenous to nature as we experience it today… No one can prove that Divine inspiration was the source of the immediate appearance of life on the young earth or that the abrupt changes in the environmental conditions, which we see in retrospect directed life’s journey to produce animals in the shape of man, were directed by the Creator. What we can say is that the fossil record definitely does not show a journey ruled by chance, or prove an unhindered march in the survival of the fit.”11

The second law of thermodynamics simply stated means in any energy transfer or change, although the total amount of energy remains unchanged, the amount of usefulness and availability that the energy possesses is always decreased. This is also known as entropy. This means the natural tendency of all change is to create a greater degree of disorder or randomness. This means the over-all direction of change of a biological “kind” would be deteriorative rather than developmental.

When the second law of thermodynamics is applied to the principle of evolution it simply means it can’t be. Evidences are that instead of evolution we have had devolution.

Examples of this are previous superior species such as mammoths, the cave bears, sabretooth tigers, giant bison, the dinosaurs, the giant beavers, cockroaches, rhinos, and even giant human beings.

The fossil remains refute evolution and support instead devolution.12

World-famous paleontologist, Dr. Niles Eldridge of the American Museum of Natural History, unreservedly said, “The pattern that we were told to find for the last one hundred and twenty years does not exist.”13

There is now overwhelming strong evidence, both statistically and paleontologically, that life could not have been started on Earth by a series of random chemical reactions. Today’s best mathematical estimates state that there simply was not enough time for random reactions to get life going as fast as the fossil record shows that it did.14

From where then did all of this space/mass/time come?

The answer, “In the beginning God created…”

1 Guide for the Perplexed, Maimonides, part 2, chapter 13.
2 Evolutionary History and Population Biology, Paul Ehrlich and L.C. Birch, “Nature” Vol. 214 (1976), p 352.
3 The Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin, The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., New York, New York, 1859, pp. 309, 310.
4 Darwin on Trial, Phillip E. Johnson, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Ill. 1991, p. 46.
5 Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record, Duane T. Gish, Creation-Life Publishers, El Cajon, Calif. 1991, pp. 82, 83.
6 The Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter, Robert E. Kofahl, Beta Books, San Diego, Calif. 1972, pp. 66, 67.
7 The Material Basis for Evolution, R.B. Goldschmidt, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1940, p. 17.
8 The Bible and Modern Science, Henry M. Morris, Moody Press, 1968, pp. 46, 47.
9 Evolution, Stephen Wright, 36: 440, 1982
10 A Theory of Evolution Above the Species Level, “Proceedings National Academy of Science,” Steven M. Stanley, Vol. 72, p. 646.
11 Genesis and the Big Bang, Gerald L. Schroeder, Bantam Books, New York, 1992, pp. 145, 146.
12 The Twilight of Evolution, Henry M. Morris, Baker Book House, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1963, pp. 44, 45.
13 “The Michelson-Morley Experiment,” “American Journal of Physics, 32, John Shankland, 1964, p. 16.
14 Genesis and the Big Bang, Gerald L. Schroeder, Bantam Books, New York, 1990, p. 25.

Priscilla and Aquila: Co-Plodders 9/12/99

Acts 18:1-3

Jesus Christ spoke of the reward awaiting those who “endure” (Matthew 24: 13). Endurance is a trait of a plodder who consistently obeys Christ.

Giving one’s life to Christ introduces that person to a race. It is a life long marathon not a brief sprint. The Christian experience should not consist of fits of starts and stops. It is typified by the African runner who prayed, “Dear God, if you will pick my feet up I will put them down.”

With Christ as our companion we become co- plodders. That is, with Him we don’t quit, cop-out, or compromise. Plodders are people who pursue and produce.

From the world of business comes a peerless example of an entrepreneur who succeeded by plodding ahead against obstacles. John left his lovely home and executive position with a Fortune 500 company and moved from beautiful Hilton Head, South Carolina to pursue his dream in Orlando, Florida. He was nutty enough to think his road to financial independence would be paved with sugar-and-cinnamon coated nuts.

With a single mobile cart and the clever name of “The Nutty Bavarian” he let folks smell and watch as he roasted and glazed almonds and pecans. Competitors and established concessionaires kept him out of the more productive locations and the big companies wouldn’t let him in. Universal Studios wanted $100,000 and for him to supply all products.

John appealed to the vice president of Universal Studios for an interview. He never heard back. Finally, he wrote the VP saying he would call every day until given an appointment. The appointment was granted.

John brought his roaster into the boardroom and started preparing a batch of savory cinnamon-glazed pecans. The aroma wafted through the office suites and attracted uninvited executives.

Everyone was treated to a taste of the hot roasted glazed-nuts. The executives demurred saying they needed more time. John countered that if they would give him a thirty day trial he would personally operate his pushcart every day for twelve hours and give Universal 25% of the sales. All he wanted was a chance to prove himself. Agreed. Thirty days later his single cart had grossed $40,000. After the thirty days John added a second cart and signed a two year deal. At the end of the first year sales reached $1 million.

The Nutty Bavarian now licenses carts in 150 domestic locations and three foreign countries. Annual sales exceed $10 million. John Mautnere was a plodder.

From the battle field and playing field comes a sterling example of a plodder. The war in Vietnam was at its worst. In close quarter fighting the platoon was cut off. Rocky had speed but it was no match for the bullet that tore thorough his left thigh. Before he even felt the pain he was down. A grenade exploded nearby and ripped into both legs, shattering bones in his right foot. He passed out trying to crawl to safety.

When he awoke Rocky lay severely wounded on a stretcher having been miraculously rescued from the battle field. “What did you do before the war, son?” asked the doctor. “I played football for the Pittsburgh Steelers.” The doctor winced and said, “I’m afraid your football playing days are over.”

The war was over and soon he was discharged, an ex-football player with a 40% disability. Rocky was a dreamer and extended himself in a recovery attempt. Futility stared him in the face. Always slow his sprints were even slower now. He tried a comeback with the Steelers but was cut almost immediately. He was five- feet-nine, too small, and too slow. Everyone said it’s time to give it up. His heart said no. Coach Noll advised him to stick with the insurance business.

Mostly out of sympathy for a veteran he was allowed to travel with the Steelers to Green Bay. He thought it would be a good opportunity to visit home in Appleton, Wisconsin and have a talk with his pastor. His compassionate pastor had the capacity of asking the right questions. He said, “I guess it’s time to decide whether you’ve tried long enough, Rocky. How do you feel about it?”

Rocky was silent for the longest then he replied, “I made a promise back in Vietnam. When I was lying there wounded, I prayed that if I survived I’d do the best I could with my life… I promised I’d keep trying.”

His pastor smiled and replied, “I guess you‘re learning something about life now. Rocky a lot of things require two wills —- yours and God’s. We used to talk about how the Lord must have His hand on your shoulder, because of how well you played in high school and at Notre Dame, remember? Well, the hand’s still there, Rocky, but do you feel it? Or are you just trying to make it on your own?”

Rocky returned with renewed determination. Each day that passed and he went injury free he thanked God. He was used sparingly as a blocker. He lived with restraints and setbacks, but he plodded on.

In 1975 Rocky Bleier made the starting lineup as the primary blocker for Franco Harris. That was the year of their first Super Bowl. The Steelers were playing the Vikings in New Orleans.

Rocky tells how he arrived early. He walked to the mouth of the tunnel leading to the field and paused. “Lord,” he said, “I can hardly believe you put me here. The Super Bowl. I couldn’t do it on my own. A lot of the players are out here today because they’re fast or strong or naturally great athletes. I am not any of those things. And now I realize —- that’s the gift You gave me. In your will, my will worked.”

A key play occurred in the fourth quarter as Terry Bradshaw handed off to Bleier the blocking broke down and he fought his way to a first down keeping the winning drive alive.

As he walked back to the huddle a big lineman slapped his hand on his helmet and said, “Attaboy, Rocky. Never give up. If we can’t do it for you, do it on your own.”

Rocky smiled behind his face mask knowing he could never have done it on his own.

Never quit, never give up. Frame that in the words of his pastor, “It takes two wills —- yours and God’s. Find God’s will and find your joy in conforming your will to it.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the French Jesuit and paleontologist, has written: “Our duty as men is to proceed as if limits to our ability don’t exist. We are collaborators in creation.”

Cautious friends offer this council. “Don’t overreach yourself. Don’t shoot too high; establish goals well within your capacities to reach.”

Most people fall short of their ultimate goal, but in doing so they reach farther than life would have otherwise have permitted them.

Should you reach beyond your capacity?

You will never know your capacity until you reach.

Plodders always go further and achieve more than those who quit, copout, drop out, compromise, or capitulate.

Now consider a husband and wife duo who were plodders.

Aquila and Priscilla, Aquila the husband, Priscilla the wife.

Aquila meant “eagle.”

Priscilla came from the prominent elegant royal Roman name Prisca meaning “simplicity.”

By the fortuitous grace of God Paul and Aquila and Priscilla were brought together. God is at work even in what we call coincidences. Observe the circuitous circumstances that brought them together. A company of thieves in Judea had robbed Stephanus, a servant of the emperor, and killed the soldiers who were his companions.

Hearing of this back in Rome Emperor Claudius issued an edict ordering all Jews out of Rome. Aquila was a Jew from Pontus living with his wife in Rome. They were forced to leave and in their new home met Paul in Corinth. Wasn’t that odd! No that was God. He is no less at work in our lives.

Paul used the common denominator to identify with them. They, like Paul, were tent makers. Joining them in this labor gave plenty of time to share faith in Christ and disciple them. Being fellow-workers in tent making they became fellow- workers in Christ Jesus.

These plodders set for all worthy examples. They were —-

They were workers not shirkers. Paul had no more loyal supporters at any time than they. He complimented them with the title, “my fellow-workers in Christ” (Romans 16:3).

They were known for spreading the good news every where they went.

Their love for Christ was known because it was shown. It was not known because they had a warm fuzzy feeling about Jesus, nor because they could repeat all the popular Christian slogans. It was known by their faithful service.

The term “fellow-workers” means co-workers, or workers together. It is this team effort among believers that commends itself to the world.

After a long list of persons to be greeted a caution flag is raised in the text. Not all things are always peaceful and beautiful within churches. The Scripture notes this: “Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses…and avoid them” (Romans 16: 17).

Two forces restrict the effectiveness of a church. The hurricane forces of evil from without that assail it and the rumbling volcanic force of division within. Often the hurricane force brings people together in the church for shelter. Such opposition can be a blessing. It is the volcanic disruptions within that cause the most difficulty. To be an earth shaking church the body must be together. I have seen the destructive force of division and the developing faith of cohesiveness. Lost persons are attracted to harmonious churches as musicians are by beautiful music. It arrests attention.

A modern translation by Moule renders Romans 16: 3,4: “For my life’s sake submitted their own throat to the knife.”

This likely happened when they were in Ephesus when a violent riot broke out involving Paul (Acts 19: 28-31).

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). Here is an example of this principle. They were defenders of Paul. Today, Christians need the defense of one another in our hostile society. Do you dare speak up for Christ and risk your reputation for His reputation?

If a minister is set for the defense of the faith he is deserving of faithful defense and support. I want to publicly acknowledge I have been the beneficiary of such loving support. There are those who have come to my defense even without my knowledge. Their love for their Lord and devotion to His church has motivated such defense. I have plodded with some of the best.

That is friendship at its best.

In a time when Christians were persecuted the young emerging church had many challenges. The collective body of Christ had not yet begun to build church buildings as they were soon to do. Therefore, home-churches were the norm. More than one reference is made to “the church that is in their house.” They opened their residence to the Christian community and made it a place of worship.

Our society doesn’t need home-churches. The church has outgrown that stage. It does need homes wherein the family lives for and serves the Lord. I know a number of families who have made their home open for use by the church. Thus, these gracious members are expanding the circumference of influence to include their community.

They encountered the brilliant Alexandrian Apollos, a gifted orator. As a prophet Apollos had a large and devoted following. He had one major liability. He knew only the “baptism of John” (Acts 18:25, 26). He knew nothing of salvation through the cross.

Aquila and Priscilla followed his crowds and listened to his message. He preached no negative error and did not deny essential faith. What he preached was good as far as it went, but he was not yet aware of the grace of God as expressed by Christ on the cross. Quietly and lovingly they invited him to their home and privately with consummate tact shared with him the further revelation of Jesus Christ.

“They expounded unto him the way of God more carefully” (Acts 18: 26).

Apollos receptively responded positively. The result was dramatic. He became one of the most dynamic evangelist of the era. Some in Corinth considered him an equal to Paul and Peter. By breaking with tradition a new and effective herald of the good news emerged.

The last biblical reference to these two is II Timothy 4:19.

This was about the year 66 A.D. Extra biblical tradition says that on July 8, of that year, Aquila and Priscilla were martyred for their faith and faithfulness. If, as history indicates, this was their fate they faced their future with faith. They were ready for their voyage to their heavenly home and the fellowship that awaited with Peter, Paul, Apollos, and a legion of others they had helped introduce to Jesus Christ. They kept plodding until they started trodding the streets of gold.

These tent makers not had a mansion in glory.

The Scripture refers to the human body as a “tabernacle.” The Greek word so translated would today more accurately be translated “pup-tent.” A pup-tent is not intended to be a permanent residence. It is temporary housing.

Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1 – 3).

Death is thus profiled as moving from the pup- tent into the palace.