What and How to Hate…to Hate?

Proverbs 30:11-16

Jesus saw a crippled man in the midst of a group of religious leaders and watched their reaction which Mark described as “hardness of their hearts.” Then it is said of Jesus that He “looked around at them with anger.” (Mark 3:5)  Jesus, angry? Yes! The Greek word translated “anger” is “orge.” It speaks of a controlled displeasure, resentment,  and indignation. The New Testament urges all believers to “be angry and sin not.” (Ephesians 4:26)  But at WHAT and HOW?

The wisdom book of Proverbs gives us four characteristics that should arouse the anger of a believer and cause hate.  Remember the Bible says about HOW to hate. In Proverbs 30 the expression “There is a generation,” literally means, there is a class of people. In every generation there have been classes of people who meet these standards. Four behaviors are abhorrent to God and should be hated by us.

A SPIRIT OF ANARCHY – Vs. 11  (Rebellion)

Anarchy means rebellion. It can happen on a national scale or within a family. Where there are children who curse their father and do not bless their mother, a spirit of anarchy, that is, rebellion prevails.

A SHOW OF ACCEPTABILITY – Vs. 12  (Hypocrisy)

Self-righteousness and hypocrisy are unacceptable to God. 

No person does worse things than those who are right in their own eyes. None are further from righteousness than those who are righteous in their own eyes. 

A STATE OF ARROGANCE – Vs. 13  (Pride)

“These persons are characterized as having uplifted eyes and raised eyebrows.”  This speaks of false pride and arrogance. They are self-centered egotists.

A SENSE OF AVARICE –  Vs. 14  (Greed)

This verse describes the viciousness of those who are preoccupied with money. They will destroy others and themselves to get it.

God is said to “Hate all the workers of iniquity.” (Psalm 5:5)

The Psalmist aligned himself with God in hate: “Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You? I hate them with a perfect hatred; I count them my enemies.” (Psalms 139: 21, 22)

“Perfect hate” involves resistance to all who hate that which is good by God’s standard. Just as it is our duty to love all people, so it is our duty to hate all opposition to God and His will. To hate a person for his own sake is wrong, but to hate all forms of opposition to God’s will and Word is “perfect hate.”

Now, go back and read the above definition of how to hate.

The Result of Trusting the Lord

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge, and He will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5, 6)

Jesus Christ wants to meet you right where you are in your life’s pilgrimage and give you supernatural guidance. He who has experienced life wants to be your divine Guide.

Let’s explore our text and at the same time let it explore us.  It calls for – – – 

A positive and a negative aspect of commitment is noted. First the positive.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”

When you realize that any step may be a step into heaven, you want it guided by the Lord. Proverbs 30:5: “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.”

The word translated “trust” had an interesting secondary usage in the day in which this Proverb was written. It was used in wrestling to describe a person holding on to another firmly. It meant to grab and hold onto. In describing our trust of the Lord, it means to grab on and hold on to Him.

The Bible is at all times trustworthy as well as realistic.

Now the negative, “Lean not on your own understanding.”

Guards on sentry duty stood at attention holding their long spears. Occasionally one would grow weary and lean on his spear. If he fell asleep he was dependent upon something to hold him up which he was holding up. When we lean on our own understanding we are likewise engaged in a circle of inadequacy. If we are to survive and have peace, we must admit our frailties and trust in the Lord.

Our trust of the Lord calls for us to…   “In all thy ways acknowledge Him.”

We are to acknowledge Him in all our ways. The Bible says “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

We are to acknowledge Him with all our heart. This means to give Him total allegiance. A half-hearted Christian has divided allegiance and is always unstable.

Often scientists, in conducting an experiment, know it is supposed to work in a certain way. According to their theories they are able to postulate how it will work. When it doesn’t, they know what they call “intervening variables” have come into play. Or to use a less scientific term, something has “gummed up the works.” Some other undesirable factor has come into play.

The “intervening variable” that gums up the works for most Christians is known as self-will. Better defined, it is an area of their life where Christ is not Lord, an area of disobedience.

When we wholeheartedly trust Him, – – – “He shall direct your paths.”

There is an emphatic here: “He shall direct…” No doubt about it, He will. Life is like a maze. You have seen and perhaps toyed with the sketches that show a series of corridors and you are supposed to work your way through the maze to the goal. Perhaps you have been to an amusement park where there is an area of hallways designed in this manner. The problem is most of the corridors you try to go down result in a dead end. It is as though from His vantage point God can see the entire maze. He knows the dead ends and the right route. He is in the position to guide us and spare us the frustration of trial and error. Trust Him.

A Nation Without God

There is a move to reshape America. Whether by man or the devil, it is to reshape America without God. Everybody has a god, so who will replace the God who has been so prominent in the foundation and development of America. The new god is designed to be the state. To achieve this God has to be marginalized. 

A new god like the God will define the moral standards and provide people’s needs, creating greater dependence on government and hence greater control over them. The church is the primary advocate of God along with other spiritual institutions. Therefore, churches are targets in the “no God” movement. COVID has aided their effort. It is estimated by researchers that 30 percent of churches will be closed soon even after the pandemic is over.

92% of churchgoers say they don’t plan to attend church more often after the Coronavirus pandemic is over than they did before the pandemic began.

Part of the effort in the diminishing God in culture is to divert churches from their mission. For churches to survive and thrive they have to reproduce themselves. 

Most churches are doing little to help themselves. Growth necessitates enlistment, evangelism that is. Studies show less than 10% of sermons preached in evangelical churches even mentioned hell, sin, salvation, or heaven.

A person, attending every service in an evangelical church for two months straight, would have less than a 10% chance of hearing a phrase that included the words “hell” or “redemption,” two of the most distinctive words that characterize evangelical beliefs. 

Compounding this is the fact 57% of regular churchgoers say they have never had a religious experience that changed their life.  How can they be expected to tell others of such a need?

Researchers estimate the average church loses approximately six percent of their membership annually as a result of aging, death, anger, illness, or a move. That means that unless a church enlists six percent of new members per year they will be 60% smaller in ten years.

68% of all evangelical churches in the United States have a congregation with less than 100 people including children and half of those churches have less than 50! Observe the average age of today’s members. They constitute an aging membership.

Even prior to COVID youth were not attending worship. Thus, they are having little or no religious training. They are bereft of Bible knowledge.

Only 12% of young people, ages 18-24, identify as Evangelical Christians, which is less than half of the national average. 

Basically the media is without a positive representation of God. If they are not directly attempting to minimize Him, they are portraying life without Him as the norm. Youth are learning this by the examples they are seeing. They are seeing a God free life and no need for biblical standards. This will eventuate in a citizenship without God. A nation with no God consciousness is not likely to live by His standards. 

There is an opportunity, 78% of the unchurched say they would listen to someone who shared what they believed about Christianity. As an aside, a good sign is 35 million Americans who seldom prayed or darken the door of the church have started praying during the COVID epidemic. 

Can you help a church develop a growth mentality? 

* Most of these statistics come from a research group named “Outside the Walls.”

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What You Need to Know About Heaven

Most of us want to know more than we do about heaven and hell. Candidly, God has revealed more than we are capable of understanding. Yet, as with money, more is better, but more is never good enough.

Following is a quote from one who is not my favorite theologian, yet, a diamond found in a rock pile is still a diamond. Reinhold Niebuhr said, “It is unwise for Christians to claim any knowledge of either the furniture of heaven or the temperature of hell.” Meaning don’t try to know what you don’t need to know, nor that can be known.

If you have been saved you are on your way to heaven, enjoy the certainty. God is a good God, trust Him. It does not matter where you may be in life right now, the truth is God has great things in store awaiting you. 

Not to be self-promoting, but the title of my book on heaven further confirms this, “Heaven: Earth’s Ultimate Mystery.” It just is, don’t try to completely solve the mystery. The sub title of the book amplifies this: “Heaven is a mystery encapsulated in an enigma encased in a conundrum.”

Conversely it is also true what Niebuhr said about hell, “… it is prudent to accept the testimony of the heart, which affirms the fear of judgment.” 

Some persons read of the unique experience of a Bible character and think it is to be the experience of all people in all of time.

Don’t let what you don’t know keep you from enjoying what you do know. Enjoy these known facts.

Heaven is a place. Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you.” The pastor in my little home church preached one Sunday morning that heaven wasn’t a place, just a state of being. That night he preached there is no such place as hell. The next morning he and my dad met on the street and the pastor greeted my dad, “Where you going, Mr. Price?” Dad replied, “After what you preached yesterday there is no place for me to go,” Jesus said there is.

Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people, prepared by the grace of God.

Heaven is a perfect place. What would we expect of our perfect God?

Heaven is a permanent place. It is eternal.

Heaven is a productive place. We can’t comprehend what we will be doing, but it will be gratifying. That is enough to know.

All that is true but the capstone is Jesus is there and in reality it is His fulfilling love and grace that make heaven heavenly.

The Apostle Paul closes the case on the subject saying, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him …” (I Corinthians 2:9).