A Directed Path

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5, 6

In life many frustrations and tragedies are experienced. Our limited understanding often fails to give us a clear comprehension of why. This frequently results in bitterness and cynicism.

Though you don’t understand all things, if you know the one who administers all things you know you can trust Him in even the most bleak circumstances. You can be sure that when your trust is in the Lord you are in trustworthy hands.

Any event in life can make you either bitter or better. The choice is yours.

Jesus is not one of life’s electives. His purpose is not to be a frill on your life. He is the God of eternity. Choices should be made in His sight. Actions should be subject to His scrutiny. The storms of life can rock such a faith, but they can’t sink it. Therefore, trust in the Lord with ALL your heart…

Acknowledge, that is, admit that every event in life is under His hand. We must submit our wills to His will. This requires trust. It keeps ego in check. It brings a tranquil mind.

“Be not wise in your own conceits….” (Romans 12: 16)

On the road to Damascus, Saul was entrenched in his own opinions when he met Jesus. Jesus de-fogged Paul’s life. As the sun melts the frost on a window and allows it to become a clear medium through which to emit light, a knowledge of Christ enlightens our understanding.

This text is not a prohibition against using our full mental facility. Discrete planning is expedient. It simply encourages having Biblical wisdom and spiritual guidance to determine goals. 

“Lean not…” was a metaphor which came from the practice of a king who appeared in public leaning on his friends. Lean on Jesus. Don’t rest on your understanding alone. Avoid ego at all costs. It is a rotten crutch. 

Jesus will be “health to your navel.” (VS 8)    

In Hebrew antiquity this expression referred to what they considered the seat of strength. It means He will become the central force of your strength.

He will be as “marrow to your bones….” When the marrow dries, the bones weaken. As marrow is to bones, so He will be to you.

As health is to nerves, and as strength is to the bones, so is the Lord to life. It is He, our beloved Lord, who will guide our path, that is, our way of life.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5, 6)