A Worthy Vessel

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (II Timothy 3:16-17)

We have a lovely Ming vase dated between 1368 – 1644 during the Ming Chinese dynasty. Many of the delicate flowing lines were painted by a single hair. Captivating outdoor scenes grace its graceful design.

It was designed to be utilitarian, but for what purpose is unknown. Perhaps oriental spices or lovely flowers once filled it. Though designed for use, it has not been used for over 60 years. Though beautiful on the outside, it is empty on the inside. It no longer fulfills the function for which it was made.

Many lives are illustrated by the lovely work of art. Spiritually they are still lovely on the outside giving the appearance of functionality, but empty on the inside. They are incomplete.

God inspired Scripture as a means by which we might be complete, functional. We cannot do this without being “thoroughly furnished.” We are complete when we hear the word, believe the word, and practice the word. Only then are we functioning as we were designed to do.

Beautiful Chinese vases from the Ming dynasty were not designed to sit on velvet. Today most such objects are basically ornamental though designed to be utilitarian: domestic vessels, domestic or ritualistic vessels. Most of the lovely pieces exhibited in museums were originally someone’s kitchenware. Once accomplishing the purpose for which they were made they are now only empty art objects to be admired.

Many not fulfilling their original purpose and feeling an emptiness try to fill the void by reading the latest self-help book, becoming invested in community projects, and engaging in human endeavors while neglecting the source of completion, the word and work of God.     

Like the Ming vase it has stood the test of time, but has outlived the purpose for which Jesus refined us. 

Consider: “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” (II Corinthians 4: 7)

When a person trusts in Jesus for salvation, He invests a treasure in that one. Thereafter it should be that person’s ambition “… that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us….”

That brings us full circle to being complete, functional. We cannot do this without being “thoroughly furnished.” We are complete when we hear the word, believe the word, and practice the word. Only then are we functioning as we were designed to do.

Live a lifestyle that pays dividends on the investment the Lord has made in you.