Constants on Which You Can Count

In our uncertain political climate so much is uncertain. We pray and wait uncertain of the outcome. There is a stabilizing constant.

In solving algebra problems it is essential to have a constant in order to reach the right conclusion. With all the variables in a problem there must be a constant against which to determine their value. A constant is a principle on which one can confidently rely. It is permanent, unchanging, immutable. In algebra a variable is an unknown such as “X”. A constant is something that is always the same, such as “1″ which always is one. To find the unknown start with the known. As in algebra, so in life, to find the unknown start with the known constant, Jesus Christ. He never changes.

Andrea Crouch had a song worthy of letting your mind marinade in:

“I’ve had many tears and sorrows,
I’ve had questions for tomorrow;
There have been times I didn’t know right from wrong;
But in every situation God gave blessed consolation
That my trials come only to make me strong.”

“Through it all, Through it all,
O I’ve learned to trust in Jesus,
I’ve learned to trust in God;
Through it all, Through it all,
I’ve learned to depend on His word.”

One blessed benefit our Lord desires us to learn is he wants to use all things to strengthen us. The Greek verbs used for the strengthening process were episterizo and stereco. Both come from the root for our word steroid which means to build up and strengthen from within. That is what God wants to do for us.

Assimilate the following verses and be built up, emboldened by them.

”So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Both verses use the word dismayed, which basically means don’t give up, don’t quit.

Those verses and others like them are constants. You can rely on them for stability. Despair and anxiety have always been a part of life, but we can find strength, wisdom, and guidance in these encouraging words from the Bible.

Always rely on the constant.