Get-Er Done

Tomorrow is the chain that binds people to loathsome habits.  Tomorrow is the barred and bolted door that shuts people out of the house of their dreams.  Tomorrow is the downward path that leads people into the land of regret. Tomorrow is the siren’s song that seduces people from the path of duty.  Tomorrow is the sleep that paralyzes the energies of people.  Tomorrow is the sword of self-destruction on which people fall.  Tomorrow is the word carved over the door of the realm of the lost.

Today is God’s time for action.

“Today if you hear My voice…”

“Boast not yourself of tomorrow.”

“Behold NOW is the accepted time…”

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. You might enjoy it so much today you will want to do it again tomorrow.

Albert Schweitzer, who had four PhDs, said, “The only one among us who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

There is a difference in choosing to serve and choosing to be a servant.

When we choose to serve we are in charge.

When we choose to be a servant our Master Jesus is in charge.

“Service to any just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture in life.” -Carrie Chapman Catt

Consider the spirit of those who might well have been dispirited as described in the Phillips Translation of II Corinthians 6:10 & 4:8,9:

We are penniless, and yet in reality we have everything worth having … We are handicapped on all sides, but never frustrated; we are puzzled, but never in despair. We are persecuted, but we never have to stand alone; we may be knocked down, but we are never knocked out!”   

What confidence! What courage! What determination!