How Many Contented People Do You Know? Are You One? Part Three

 I Timothy 6: 6 – 11

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Thus, He asserted the reasons He left the glories of Heaven to come to earth. Each of them were with you in mind.

To aid our understanding He uses an analogy of sheep and notes His sheep “find pasture.” This is a reference to provisions. He is going to provide for you. “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.” Do you really believe that? If so, you are a contented person. Are you?

Then Christ asserted He came to earth that His people, like the sheep of a shepherd, might have two things.

One, that you might have life. This is a reference to protection.

The other had to do with this quality of life which He called abundant life. It is a reference to life with super additives.  This is a reference to profusion. 

To achieve these blessings for us He said, “I lay down my life for my sheep.” (John 10: 15)

After providing us new life, He then desires to enable us to have a contented life. Yet, there are so few people who give any appearance of contentment.

Put the zoom lens of your mind on I Timothy 6: 6. Now bring it into focus the word “contentment.”  It translates the Greek word “autarkeia” meaning “carrying the secret of happiness in itself, completely independent of outward things.” It means to have inner resources that enable you to be unflappable in the face of external circumstances. 

When this secret is discovered and applied, you break free of the bondage to things. You are set free of servitude to things.

However, the devil has set a very appealing snare called materialism.  “The love of money is the root of all evil.”  (I Timothy 6:10)

Money as used here refers to all things material. The desire for material  things is a desire for security that can never be obtained by them. Our society suffers from a “more syndrome.” More is always better, but more is never good enough.  The satisfaction coming from more is short lived at best.

Contentment is basic according to verse 8. The Greek word “autarkeia” translated content has further meaning “to possess unfailing strength that can ward off anxiety and worry.”

Back to the basic premise that  “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.”  Jesus  also taught that the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of riches tend to choke God’s Word and keep people from contentment (Matt 13:22). Daily choices enable contentment. You choose.