How to Face Fear Faithfully – Part Three

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41: 10

The gospel of comfort is explained in the text. Expressions of God’s companionship with His people (that means you) are heaped one on another.

Cause number one : “I am with you.”

It excites me to think God never takes His mind off me. Actually, the God who was with Moses in the slime pits of Egypt, as well as on the summit of Mount Sinai, is with me.

When I was a college student my mom gave me a quote I carried for years; it still resides not just in my head, but in my heart:
“The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am, God is!”

Mark this well. Make it a mental marquee. God never assigns a task or appoints an ordeal without personally accompanying His people in it.  Never, no never.  He doesn’t say,”You will feel my presence.” Feelings come and go. God abides. Our security isn’t based on our changing moods, but on God’s unchanging character.

Cause number two: “I am your God.” Therefore, let God be God.  If He is the loving God scripture asserts Him to be, and which the experience of many of us confirms Him to be, then He has a purpose in what He is allowing in your life.

Faith knows God’s glory is being acknowledged when it is applied because it enables angels and mankind to see God’s faithfulness in response to its presence.

Cause number three: “I will strengthen you.”

This is not a reference simply to natural strength, but to the supernatural. He enhances our ability and increases our capacity. Resort to His word as a means of obtaining His strength.

Cause number four: “I will uphold you.” When His strength is your strength, stability results. When there is danger of falling a support is needed. It is not in the Bible, but the principal is throughout “I got you,” and He has. It is not only OK to lean on Him, it is essential.