I’m a Pot, You’re a Pot – Part Three

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.”  (II Corinthians 4:7).    

Here believers are characterized as being a clay pot. Like a useful pot there are certain things we are not.

A useful pot is not intended to call attention to itself. We are not to call attention to ourselves, but to Jesus. Each of us has a sphere of influence. Within that sphere we are to use our influence to show forth Jesus.

There are athletes who use their platform with its advantages and adversities to call attention to Jesus, not self. By their quiet, tenacious, competitive spirit, and inexhaustible effort as well as by a concise word expressing faith in Jesus our Lord is honored.

The sweet spirited saint with a major infirmity who suffers in such a manner as to show forth the sufficiency of Jesus is allowing his or her broken vessel to glorify Jesus.  

The vivacious and dynamic student who lives a joyous consistent life radiating Jesus reveals the treasure of Jesus within.

The loving loyal parent who sacrificially ministers in his or her household is showing forth Jesus.

The career person who lives out faith in Jesus in the marketplace is revealing Jesus, the indwelling treasure.

Fra Bartolomeo, a renowned artist in his day, threw away his canvas and brush saying they came between him and his Lord. Such devotion is admirable. In his mind he was doing what Jesus commanded the rich young ruler whose riches separated him from the kingdom of God to do. Indeed we should remove any obstacle serving as a block between us and our Lord.

Someone suggested to Bartolomeo that instead of throwing away his brush and canvas that he use his significant skills for the Lord. They urged him: “Why should you not paint for the glory of God?” Thereafter, he painted as never before. To this day his paintings inspire awe and worship in all privileged to see them. He painted to the glory of God.

His paintings are easily identified in spite of the fact he never thereafter signed one. They are identified by the words he always painted on them in very small letters: “Pray for this painting” or “Pray for the painter.”

A useful pot is not to call attention to itself.

A group of hot-shot young executives were gathered in the company conference room waiting to meet their new CEO. These energetic young power brokers jockeyed for position to be seated near the new CEO. They amused each other with their personal exploits that they were confident would impress the new CEO. Finally one of them said, “When is he going to get here?”

The man who had quietly been walking around the room pouring coffee said, “He is already here.” With that he set the coffee pot down and took his seat at the head of the table continuing, “And he had already learned a lot.”

Humility is so uncommon it often takes us by surprise.

My fellow pots, let us show forth the treasure in us, Jesus Christ.