Is It Time to Renew?


Let’s focus principally on one word in that text, “renew.”

Through the psalmist, God gave us insight into what causes a lot of our problems: “You thought I was altogether like you.” (Psalms 50:21)

The French atheist Voltaire said, “The Bible says, ‘God created man in His image,’ and now man has returned the favor, and created God in man’s image.”

Fortunately God is not like man. The constant challenge of each of us is trying to personally become more like God. That requires renewal.

The Hebrew word for “renew” means they shall exchange their weakness for His strength. Well might we pray, “God I will provide the weakness, if you will provide the strength.”

Renewal necessitates that we: See Him more clearly. Love Him more dearly. Follow Him more nearly.

Would you really like to live closer to God? There is a simple equation explaining how you can: “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

David identifies the starting point: “Be still and know that I am God.” The Hebrew wording means “stop striving.”

Felon, a voice from yesteryear wrote: “How rare it is to find a soul quiet enough to hear God speak.”

Most want more emotion and sensationalism in their religion today. We need to invest more time in developing the virtue of personal holiness. Yes, holiness.

Solitude is the incubator in which the fertile Word of God has time to develop intimacy with God. Consider designating a time and place where every day you spend time alone with God. 

Years ago while touring South America as a member of a basketball team, a missionary named Rosalee Mills Appleby gave me a book inscribed, “One can not expect to amount to much for God without often spending time alone with God.”

Through the years I have found that to be true. Try it.