King of the Jews vs the King of the Jews

“Then Pilate entered the Praetorium again, called Jesus, and said to Him, ‘Are You the King of the Jews?’” John 18: 33

This was a crucial question posed at a critical time. It was of such importance that the account is found in all four gospels and is asked on four different occasions. Both Pilate and Herod on different occasions questioned Jesus regarding the title. It was a title used of baby Jesus by the Wise Men in seeking Him. It was a title posted above His head on the cross,

The emperor Augustus gave Herod the title King of the Jews and his connections with Rome, the emperor Augustus and his court were extraordinary. Throughout his long reign he desperately, but abortively, wanted to establish some kind of “dynasty” or royal line, as evidenced by his marriage to the Hasmonean princess Miriame. So obsessed was he with genealogical records that Josephus reports that he had the archives at Sepphoris destroyed, lest any rivals challenge his pedigree or put forth their own. Therefore, in addition to exercising his right as a regent he was personally concerned. Herod jealously guarded his title. He did not want anyone usurping it. 

Augustine observed from this verse that earthly kingdoms are based upon force, pride, the love of human praise, the desire for domination, and self interest – all displayed by Pilate and the Roman Empire, but none by Jesus. To personalize this is it we who have the traits evidenced by Pilate to the restriction of the rule of Jesus in our lives.

Jesus did not say He did not have a kingdom, but rather that it was not of this world. He did not say He would not one day rule in this world in the millennium. He shall. He currently rules in the hearts of His loyal followers.

Where there is a king there is a kingdom, a territory over which he rules. If Jesus is your King, why be so concerned with the title while giving so little attention to His rule. To say Jesus is King is admirable, but it only takes on meaning when you can truthfully say, “Jesus in MY King.” Jesus Is King of all, or He is not King at all. 

Don’t proclaim Him as your King of kings and Lord of lords and question His reign.

By His life Jesus defines the kingdom and demonstrates its principles and power. He deserves to be ardently worshiped and served because of His nature and our benefit.

As His servant obedience to Him, even in little things, such as turning the other cheek, may leave you with two broken jaws, yet thereby Jesus is shown to be your beloved King. Obedience is often costly, but always gratifying and rewarding.

With Jesus as our King Eden is restored in our heart.

Be loyal to the royal blood that flows in your veins.