God Created

Genesis 1:1 opens “In the beginning God…” It continues with the second wonder: “…God created…”

Both foundational truths are disputed, but remain stalwart facts. The second truth is a set of fingerprints supporting the first. Creation is obviously here and had a beginning, a source. That source is the omnipotent God.

Verner von Braun, the father of our missile program, a renowned scientist, opined, “Although I know of no reference to Christ ever commenting on scientific work, I do know that He said, ‘Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ Thus I am certain that were He among us today, Christ would encourage scientific research as modern man’s most noble striving to comprehend and admire His Father’s handiwork. The universe as revealed through scientific inquiry is the living witness that God has indeed been at work.”

The Hebrew word for create” is “bara”– meaning “to create something new”. What He created is described in Psalm 19: 1, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Look around and marvel.

A description of the “you” is described by Bill Bryson in his book “In A Short History of Nearly Everything.”

“No one really knows, but there may be as many as a million types of protein in the human body, and each one is a little miracle. By all the laws of probability proteins shouldn’t exist. To make a protein you need to assemble amino acids…in a particular order, in much the same way that you assemble letters in a particular order to spell a word. [For example, to make collagen,] you need to arrange 1,055 amino acids in precisely the right sequence….

The chances of a 1,055-sequence molecule like collagen spontaneously self-assembling are, frankly, nil. It just isn’t going to happen. To grasp what a long shot its existence is, visualize a standard Las Vegas slot machine but broadened greatly – to about ninety feet, to be precise – to accommodate 1,055 spinning wheels instead of the usual three or four, and with twenty symbols on each wheel (one for each common amino acid). How long would you have to pull the handle before all 1,055 symbols came up in the right order? Effectively forever. Even if you reduced the number of spinning wheels to two hundred, which is actually a more typical number of amino acids for a protein, the odds against all two hundred coming up in a prescribed sequence are 1 in 10260 (that is 1 followed by 260 zeros). That in itself is a larger number than all the atoms in the universe.

Yet we are talking about several hundred thousand types of protein, perhaps a million, each unique and each, as far as we know, vital to the maintenance of a sound and happy you.”

God did all of that and more in an indirect way of saying, “Here I Am.”

Jesus then came to make not only the existence, but to demonstrate the fact that He loves you and awaits your positive response to His love for you.

Divided We Fall

There is a sinister movement at play In America. Perpetrators fall into two categories. Some have admirable intentions thinking they are helping our nation. Many good, sincere, innocent persons with good intent have bought in. To use current descriptive speech, they have drunk the Kool Aid. Thinking they are working to save the world they are carrying out the design of the evil originators.

Others are deviously dedicated to divide us. They know the intended result and are knowingly working to achieve its design. To fulfill their intent it has to be done under the guise or helping society. The principal proponents of the movement are selling their cause behind such a cause. That is the reason innocent persons with a good intent bought into it.

The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory was an assemblage of social scientists and researchers in Germany focused on the application of Marxism to philosophy and society. The Frankfurt School was founded in 1923 as part of Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Being forced out of Europe they found a congenial home in Ivy League Schools in America.  (Getting the picture).                   

Critical Theory provides a specific interpretation of Marxist philosophy with regards to some of its central economic and political notions like a critique of mass culture. Their objective is to transform religion, family life, education, politics, technology, and entertainment as it has formerly been known.

Movements to achieve the transformation are identity politics, critical race, white privilege, DEI, multiculturalism, and others under the WOKE umbrella. Those terms are even used in some churches. This is most often because the sinister purpose is not known. It is basically to divide.

Black minister Cory Brooks of the South Side of Chicago, said these efforts have done nothing to help Blacks. He and others recommend as an alternative teaching character, morals, virtue, a sense of personal responsibility and accountability, and a striving for personal excellence. Merit resulting thereby enables a person to achieve their best and accomplish their optimum. 

Most people may know some likable smart people involved in one of these movements. I would not impugn their motive, nor would I disclaim their divisive result. Their intent might be noble, but the result is not.

The objective is to divide us. Marx did it to conquer Russia. He turned the bourgeoisie, who owned and hoarded wealth and resources, against the proletariat, the laborers. The proletariat eventually destroy the bourgeoisie and provided the basis for Communism.

The divisions are not so well defined in America and our large middle class mitigates the mix. Racial differences proved to be a dividing line in America and is being used as such. There is an effort to divide us as the oppressed and oppressors.

One reason for hatred of Jews is they are unfairly represented as being oppressors. This improper premise has long been held in Europe and has led to much egregious persecution of Jews.

Unrest and protest on Ivy League campuses is a result of the long held philosophy brought to our shores by the Frankfurt School of thought. It is highly ingrained in many schools.

There is more of this canard in our communities than most people realize. It is the dividing force it was tactically designed to be. We must search for things that unite us.

United we stand. Divided we fall. Division would form a fertile basis for Communism.

America Under Siege

If you have a 1996 calendar you don’t need a 2024 calendar, they are the same. As calendar dates repeat themselves so it appears history does.

Lord Macaulay, nineteenth century English poet, historian, and politician wrote of America, “Your republic will be pillaged and ravaged in the twentieth century just as the Roman Empire was by the Barbarians in the fifth century, with the difference, that the devastators of Rome came from abroad, while your Barbarians will be the people of your own country and the products of your own institutions.”

That is not a pretty picture when you think of the result of being “pillaged and ravaged.” Yet, we see playing out today as the “products” of our institutions that could lead to that. These products are so entrained that one statesman when asked if the progressive agenda could be reversed in our colleges and universities answered, “No, it is too ingrained.”

Rome was destroyed when Attila the Hun’s Hunnic hordes poured over her impregnable walls. The citizenry of Rome was so debilitated they could not defend themselves. We see a similar act as unknown persons in unnumbered hoards cross our open borders. Allowing this seems to be an act of idiocracy.

They dislike our food and when given it they often discard it. Many major hotels in which they are housed at the expense of American citizens are pillaged.

In some areas they are given free phones, driver’s license, and even college tuition. In some cases they are afforded emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs.

In some areas public schools are being overrun by a massive influx of students.

All of this and more is being funded by American taxpayers.

A little known fact is that more than 300,000 Americans have died of overdoses from drugs brought over the border. Countless others have become unmotivated and unproductive as a result of drug use. The cost of this is incalculable. 

What is happening is one of the largest human migrations in all of history. This is one of the most significant demographic shifts in modern U.S. history. Historically every mass migration has dramatically changed the culture of the country into which they migrate. Historically migrants try to convert their new home country to be like their old country before conditions motivated their exodus.

Do you know of any local organization or institution that is working to expose and end this travesty?

This is referred to as the greatest opportunity the American church has ever had. Compassion within some churches motivated them to want to support and supply the migrants. That is admirable, but how many speak out about the illegal action?

It is a massive challenge and many realizing it is too large for them do nothing to slow or stop it. 2024 will afford citizens an opportunity to act even if the government doesn’t. That action is to change the federal government at the ballot box. Georgia is seen as one of the prize states in the forthcoming election. Our local area is vital in determining the outcome of the election. Perpetuating the same national environment by electing persons tolerant of it might very well eventuate in the nation being “pillaged and ravaged.” Get involved once the candidates for national office are selected.

There is a spiritual component to this scenario so commit yourself to ongoing prayer.

The Joy of Holding Hands

With your hand on the doorknob of a new year you can enter its maze of days with boldness.

His power is revealed in His name: “I am your God.” The title used by Isaiah and translated “god” is “Elah” or “Eloah.”  “El” means “the strong one.” Elah speaks of His durability. It was also used to speak of binding oneself with an oath; it speaks of faithfulness.

Therefore, the God who has promised to be with you is the Strong Durable One who has bound Himself to you with an oath.

He has power to control. The Bible speaks of the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit (II Thess. 2: 7). That is, how the Holy Spirit today is limiting the power of the forces of evil. Some day He will be relieved of this work and evil will be rampant. That is called the Great Tribulation.

He has the power to conserve. Biblically we are told He gives His angels charge over us to keep us (Matt. 4: 6). We will never know all that He has spared us without us knowing it. How many close calls have you had about which you knew that your safety can only be explained in light of the Lord’s angels conserving you?

He has the power to convert. To convert means to change. We see this with cars and toys. Their image and configuration can be converted from one form and use to another. The Lord does this in our lives.

Triplets of certainty are offered.

The “I will” of Strength

When my weakness leans on His might, all is right.

Our greatest victories are won when we realize our weakness and rely on His strength. It is when we forget ourselves that we allow Him to do things through us which are remembered.

The Lord doesn’t grow saints in greenhouse environments where all is ideal. He doesn’t shield us from those trials by which faith is strengthened.

A well-intending do-gooder visited a radiant Christian lady who had been left paralyzed by polio. The visitor said, “I suppose an illness like this does color one’s life doesn’t it?” That great soul responded from her bed: “Yes, it does color one’s life, but I choose the color!”

When we whine, complain, and grumble we are choosing the colors. When we praise, give thanks, and rejoice, we are also choosing colors. What does your crayon box look like?

Isaiah put things in perspective when he wrote, “fear not, you worm of Jacob… says the Lord.”  It is El Alah, the all mighty One who makes an oath to help us. You can pray: “Lord, I will provide the weakness, if you will provide the strength.”

The “I will” of Sharing. The strength we need is not something but Someone.

With courage we can say, “The Lord is my helper” (Heb. 13:6).

With the Psalmist we can declare, “You are my help” (70:5).

The Hebrew text of Isaiah 46: 10 indicates God runs out speedily to meet and help His children.

The “I will” of Support.

“I will strengthen you… I will help you… I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.”

Isaiah 41: 13 notes: “I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you’”.

A Helping Hand in the New Year

On the eve of the new year facing England was the threat of World War II King George VI in his address to the nation quoted Minnie Louise Haskins: “I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’”

The Lord wants to meet you at the gate of this new year in order to guide, govern, and guard you all through it. That will make it a happy new year regardless of circumstances.

This is an appeal on behalf of our loving Lord who stands with hand outstretched for you to put your hand in His and let Him guide you into the unknown. He sees around the curve in life’s road and offers guiding help.

Twelve months ago another new year was set before you. It has rolled into eternity and carried with it broken hearts, shattered dreams, personal losses, and unanticipated anguish. It is as much ancient history as 1492. It is too late to win victories where there were losses, to unsay unkind words, to show strength instead of weakness, and to be loyal to the Lord in times you compromise.

However, here it is another new year. New Year’s Day is God’s way of saying, “OK now, we are going to keep doing this over until we get it right.”

There is something new and fresh about the inaugural days of another year. It is a time to review and resolve. May the dawning of 2025 find you having given 2024 your best. Every challenge awaiting you is an opportunity for excellence.

The words of Longfellow challenge us as we face a new year: “Look not mournfully into the past; it comes not back again. Wisely improve on the present; it is yours. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart.”

That can only be done with the Lord as guide.

The dawning of a new year causes most of us to think about our habits; good and bad.

We first make a habit and then the habit makes us.

The principal character in Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World, said, “I will make good habits and become their slave.”

The choice is yours. We are creatures of habit. You can either be a slave to good or bad habits.

Make good habits; they are as difficult to break as bad ones.

Make habit number one the submission to the Lord and all other habits will be governed by that superior habit. Habitually, daily, submit to Him as your Lord.

In death John Wesley said, “The best of all is God is with us.” 

With hellish forces unleashed in our society and predictions of unprecedented problems and perplexities, we need a prophetic word of encouragement and our Lord has not left us without it. The Prophet Isaiah spoke to the people of his day words applicable to us.

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41: 10).