Be Brave Fellow Sparrow

 “Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s permission. Every hair on your head has been counted. Don’t be afraid! You are worth more than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:28-31).

Psychology Today records the five most common fears among Americans are: (1) Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), (2) Glossophobia (fear of speaking in public), (3) Aerophobia (fear of flying), (4) Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), and (5) Acrophobia (fear of heights).

Look at our most common fears. The common thread is the fear of death. Jesus told the disciples not to be afraid even though they faced the threat of death. 

A wholesome fear of death is a preservative of life. It inspires a healthy value of life, and the value of protecting it. An inordinate fear of death is not healthy. It inspires fear. It is reasonable not to fear even the threat of death. Consider the worth of a little sparrow as compared to your value. If, and He does, care for a worthless sparrow, surely He values you even more. The song “His Eye is on the Sparrow” was written by Civilla Martin, the wife of a Baptist Pastor. She described in her own words how she came to write the song. “In the spring of 1905, my husband and I were sojourning in Elmira, New York. We contracted a deep friendship with a couple by the name of Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle—true saints of God. Mrs. Doolittle had been bedridden for over twenty years. Her husband was an incurable cripple who had to propel himself to and from his business in a wheelchair. Despite their afflictions, they lived happy Christian lives, bringing inspiration and comfort to all who knew them. One day while we were visiting with the Doolittles, my husband commented on their bright hopefulness and asked them the secret of their joy in the midst of pain. Mrs. Doolittle’s reply was simple: ‘If His eye is on the sparrow, then I know He watches me.‘” Take heart in these words.

“Why should I feel discouraged,
why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely
and long for heaven and home?
When Jesus is my portion?
My constant friend is He.
His eye is on the sparrow
and I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free, 
For His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me.”

We live in a challenging time with fearful threats. The whole world is trembling. Remember Jesus has given us assurances and appealed to us not to be afraid. It is a witness of our confidence in His sufficiency, our belief in His promise to care for us in life and even death. 

The extent of God’s watchful care for you is found in that little word “fall.” According to Bible commentator William Barclay, Jesus’ word “fall” in this verse signifies more than the bird’s death. The Aramaic meaning is “to light upon the ground.” In other words, “fall” here indicates every little wounded hop a tiny bird makes. That speaks of God’s finite concern for and care of you.

Peace is possible only for those who look at life through the lense of Scripture. Remember, His eye is on the sparrow, giving assurance He watches over you.

A New Rock CD: Fossil Phobia 10/10/99


JESUS CHRIST believed in creation. He should have, He was the Creator. Genesis 1: 1 says, “In the beginning God created…” The word translated “God” is ELOHIM. It is plural; thus reference is made to the Trinity.

Then it is recorded: “Let Us make man in Our likeness…” (Genesis 1: 26). Again the plural is used.

The concept of the Trinity is a mystery. How could God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be one? The principle of the Trinity is seen throughout creation. If you add: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. This suggests a triad in which there are three separate components.

However, 1 X 1 X 1 = 1 reveals a trinity. This reveals a continuum in which each component is coexistent with the other.

The Trinity called into existence a space-mass-time universe which is itself a tri-unity. Neither space, mass nor time can have a meaningful existence without the other two.

The Hebrew text uses the word BERESHITH which is translated “In the beginning…” The Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew used the same word found in John 1: 1, EN ARCHE, and translated “In the beginning.”

The Greek literally means “Before time began to begin…” Time itself was a part of creation.

John 1: 1 continues, “Before time began to begin was the Word (LOGOS) and the Word was God…” Before there was anything there was God.

Prior to the creation of the universe not even space existed.1

The creation of the universe not only brought into existence time into which it flows, but also time into which it expands. Thus, the presence of the energy and matter of the universe not only causes the existence of time, but also of space.

Advocates of evolution postulate all the matter of the universe was compacted into the size of a pea held together by enormous gravity. An explosion sent these particles through what is now our universe, expanding and cooling to form our universe.

A legitimate question is: “Who planted the pea?” Scientists have a model that carries them back in time and space to the nano-second of creation and that pea but they have no answer to the question of where space, mass, and time came from.

Evolution is not a scientific theory or hypothesis. The term “the theory of evolution” is used but in a precise sense the expression is incorrect. That is true because it can’t be tested. A valid scientific hypothesis must be capable of being formulated experimentally in such a way that the experimental results can either be confirmed or rejected.

The first letter in the Hebrew Bible pictures the impossibility of proving anything before or about creation. It is the character “beth.” It is shaped somewhat like a square “C” facing backwards. Hebrew reads from right to left. The closed side of the “beth” is the first letter in the Bible. All that is before it is a closed issue. All ahead is open for exploration.

Two evolutionary scientists have in all honesty said, “Our theory of evolution has become … one which cannot be refuted by any possible observations. It is thus “outside of empirical science … No one can think of ways in which to test it … (Evolutionary ideas) have become part of an evolutionary dogma accepted by most of us as part of our training.”2

These noted scientists are simply saying there is no way to formulate experimentally the concept of evolution. It is a philosophy, not a science. Objective scientists acknowledge this.

Their statement also reveals the reality that most people believe in evolution because most people believe in evolution.

Surely in this mass called the universe there must be some indication when it and time began. How old is the planet Earth? Two distinct schools of thought exist. Evolutionists say it is one to six billion years old. Proponents have principles they state to validate this claim. They need an old earth model if there is to be any substance at all to the concept of evolution.

Creationists point to scientific facts indicating Earth is between 10,000 and 20,000 years old. Let’s explore some of the fingerprints on Earth to try to find its age.

There is a CD rock record, that is, Cambrian Data record of fossils that encourages the idea of a Creator.

Evolutionists say life began in simple a form and all life emerged from this one source. If that is true there must be fossil evidence to show transitional forms of life. That is, if man came from the monkeys there must be an intermediate specimen of this monkey/man. That is not only true of monkey and man but of all life.

Often the term “missing link” is used. There is no single missing link. Every transitional link is missing. If any such transitional form lived surely there must be some records in the fossils.

Layers of the Earth are given various geological ages based on the fossils in the strata. Likewise fossils are given ages based on which layer of Earth they are in. It is a bootstring effect. Each dates the other.

The layer containing the earliest fossils is known as the Cambrian layer. The Cambrian rocks, which almost always lie just above the barren Precambrian rocks, contain examples of every major kind (phyla) of animal found in the world today. An amazing thing about these fossil ancestors is they are just as complex as their modern relatives. Of the 13 phyla there are fossils of all thirteen. There are over 455 species. Many of them are far better developed than the current descendants. Do you suppose that is why the term descendant is used?

Here are principles that refute evolution. The first fossils are in many instances complex and compound.

Many species are giant ancestors of current varieties such as the 27 inch pill bug.

Instead of primitive types a considerable number of those living today are found.

The first fossil remains are in most instances identical to those of today.

The evolutionist answers that the answer must be in the Precambrian strata. Looking there, one finds no fossil remains. To cover this evolutionists say:

All life was destroyed by metamorphism of the rocks in which they occurred.

In reality only 90% of the Precambrian strata contained metamorphosis rock. The other 10% should contain some fossils but doesn’t.

The evolutionist says life only existed in those areas where metamorphism occurred.

In reality there were widespread unmetamorphosised areas which were accessible to ocean life and thus should have had fossils.

The evolutionist says the oceans were too acid for calcium shells and thus no trace. There is no evidence that the oceans were acid. Every indication is the opposite was true. However, if it had been, there could have been siliceous and chitinous skeletons.

Charles Darwin said, “To the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these assumed earliest periods prior to the Cambrian system, I can give no satisfactory answer … The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”3

Darwin further posed this worthy question: “Why, if species have descended from other species by insensible fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?”4 Good question, Charles!

An example in many school texts that is suppose to illustrate evolution relates to fossil remains of what are considered by some to have been horses. Sketches are shown depicting the reputed progression of the horse. The first is of Hyracotherium (Eohippus), a dog-sized “horse” with four toes on the front feet, moving to a three-toed variety, and ending with a one-toed Equus.

According to the theory of evolution the progression should take place over a period of time beginning with the four-toed variety and moving to the one-toed horse of today.

Again, as with all alleged evolution, there are no fossil remains of transitional stages of this development.

The biggest challenge to the theory of “horse” evolution comes from paleontology. If the “horse” fossils are an example of evolution the fossils should be dated in order of progression with the four-toed variety coming first and moving to the one-toed. The problem is that the one-toed, Thoatherium, became extinct in the Miocene epoch before the three-toed Macrauchenia made his appearance in the Pliocene period.5

A complete series of horse fossils is not found in any one place in the world arranged in rock strata in proper evolutionary order from bottom to top. Actually the three so-called fossil horse series actually appears to be three groups of genera. Yet, because the appearance seems to support evolution, this disproved example still exists in modern texts.6

In John Day County, Oregon, the three-toed variety is found with the one-toed variety and thus shown to be contemporaries, not links, in the evolutionary chain.7

Several genera lived simultaneously. Some are now classified as mutant variants of the originally created horse. There is absolutely no evidence that the popular evolutionary textbook presentation proves evolution across family boundaries, but only within the family.8

The genus “Eohippus” is placed at the base of this evolutionary tree. The name means “dawn horse.” The question is, was Eohippus a horse? He was unlike modern horses in morphology and habitat. While Eohippus does not resemble modern horses in any way, it does have striking similarities to other animals leading some to conclude “Eohippus is so primitive that it is not much more definitely equid (a horse) than tapirid, or rhinocerotid, etc.”9 This leads many scientists to believe Eohippus is more closely related to the tapir or rhinoceros than to the horse.

This classic case for evolution is without merit. Evidence more nearly confirms the concept of creation.

Since Darwin wrote, a great deal of fossil hunting has gone on. The record is basically the same today. Two given to evolutionary philosophy, Stephen Jay Gould and Steven Stanley, reached the following conclusion regarding potential gradual change in species.

“The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism:

  1. Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their
    tenure on earth. They appeal in the fossil record looking
    pretty much the same as when they disappeared; morphological
    change is usually limited and in directionless.
    [“Stasis” the consistent absence of fundamental directional
    change — is positively documented.]
  2. Sudden appearances. In any local area, a species does not
    arise gradually by steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all
    at once and ‘fully formed.'” (Ibid. p. 50.)

Darwin contended, and Neo-Darwin proponents insist, that the process called “natural selection” brought about evolutionary change in life resulting in the development of homo sapiens. Natural selection is also called “survival of the fittest.”

Steven M. Stanley, an ardent evolutionist, observed the absence of transitional fossils in the Cambrian layer and marveled over the “explosion” of a great variety of highly complex creatures including 32 orders of mammals. He concluded, “Gradual evolutionary change by natural selection operates so slowly within established species that it cannot account for the major features of evolution.”

It is believed by hardcore evolutionists that this happened in approximately 1 to 6 billion years. Stanley and others with such integrity note it would take billions of times longer and no records allot such time.10

Gerald L. Schroeder studied the matter and concluded: “Explanation of the early part of the fossil record points us, inescapably, to forces not indigenous to nature as we experience it today… No one can prove that Divine inspiration was the source of the immediate appearance of life on the young earth or that the abrupt changes in the environmental conditions, which we see in retrospect directed life’s journey to produce animals in the shape of man, were directed by the Creator. What we can say is that the fossil record definitely does not show a journey ruled by chance, or prove an unhindered march in the survival of the fit.”11

The second law of thermodynamics simply stated means in any energy transfer or change, although the total amount of energy remains unchanged, the amount of usefulness and availability that the energy possesses is always decreased. This is also known as entropy. This means the natural tendency of all change is to create a greater degree of disorder or randomness. This means the over-all direction of change of a biological “kind” would be deteriorative rather than developmental.

When the second law of thermodynamics is applied to the principle of evolution it simply means it can’t be. Evidences are that instead of evolution we have had devolution.

Examples of this are previous superior species such as mammoths, the cave bears, sabretooth tigers, giant bison, the dinosaurs, the giant beavers, cockroaches, rhinos, and even giant human beings.

The fossil remains refute evolution and support instead devolution.12

World-famous paleontologist, Dr. Niles Eldridge of the American Museum of Natural History, unreservedly said, “The pattern that we were told to find for the last one hundred and twenty years does not exist.”13

There is now overwhelming strong evidence, both statistically and paleontologically, that life could not have been started on Earth by a series of random chemical reactions. Today’s best mathematical estimates state that there simply was not enough time for random reactions to get life going as fast as the fossil record shows that it did.14

From where then did all of this space/mass/time come?

The answer, “In the beginning God created…”

1 Guide for the Perplexed, Maimonides, part 2, chapter 13.
2 Evolutionary History and Population Biology, Paul Ehrlich and L.C. Birch, “Nature” Vol. 214 (1976), p 352.
3 The Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin, The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., New York, New York, 1859, pp. 309, 310.
4 Darwin on Trial, Phillip E. Johnson, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Ill. 1991, p. 46.
5 Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record, Duane T. Gish, Creation-Life Publishers, El Cajon, Calif. 1991, pp. 82, 83.
6 The Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter, Robert E. Kofahl, Beta Books, San Diego, Calif. 1972, pp. 66, 67.
7 The Material Basis for Evolution, R.B. Goldschmidt, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1940, p. 17.
8 The Bible and Modern Science, Henry M. Morris, Moody Press, 1968, pp. 46, 47.
9 Evolution, Stephen Wright, 36: 440, 1982
10 A Theory of Evolution Above the Species Level, “Proceedings National Academy of Science,” Steven M. Stanley, Vol. 72, p. 646.
11 Genesis and the Big Bang, Gerald L. Schroeder, Bantam Books, New York, 1992, pp. 145, 146.
12 The Twilight of Evolution, Henry M. Morris, Baker Book House, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1963, pp. 44, 45.
13 “The Michelson-Morley Experiment,” “American Journal of Physics, 32, John Shankland, 1964, p. 16.
14 Genesis and the Big Bang, Gerald L. Schroeder, Bantam Books, New York, 1990, p. 25.

Mercy, Love and Peace

Jude 1:2

Man, mere mortal man, through his spectrograph has learned the constituent elements of the remote astral bodies.

By means of the telescope, man has looked into the infinitely large universe, learned the schedule of the planets, and viewed the landscape of heavenly bodies millions of miles distant.

By means of the microscope, man has looked into the infinitely smaller world and seen in the atoms in a particle of dust on a moth’s wing, electrons, protons, and neutrons whirling like bees around a hive.

God gives you even closer attention.  He does it continually. We are continually “kept.”

The great God of the universe Who puts seven colors in every ray of light, and causes it to travel at 186,000 miles per second, has no trouble keeping you.

God, who gives this close attention, provides:

MERCY, which means deep concern.

It reveals a real need on behalf of the one receiving it and real resources on behalf of the one giving it.

Mercy describes God’s attitude toward those in distress.

God is rich in mercy. (Ephesians 2:40)

When we experience and understand mercy, we are never over-awed or overpowered by the power of the enemy or the challenge confronting us..

All of us have injuries and experience limitations.  There is a delightful illustration in the Old Testament of mercy.  Mephibosheth was crippled as a result of an injury.  He was only five years old when Jonathan, his father, and Saul, his grandfather, were both killed in a battle on Mount Gilboa. They were enemies of David.

David took Mephibosheth into his palace, gave him an inheritance, and  a place at his table.  That’s mercy.  That’s how God treats us.

PEACE is contentment of mind, a state of tranquility in turbulent times.

We have peace when there is no condemnation before God.

We have peace of conscience when there is no controversy with God.

We have peace of mind when there is no consternation about life.

LOVE.  We now have the love of God, and love for God so let us show love to one another.

The greeting expressed in our text expresses a desire for these traits to be multiplied among believers.

This prayer for multiplied blessings of mercy, peace and love is equally needed today. Like Jude we, too, should plead God’s mercy on all His children, knowing that we also live in times when false teachers and doctrines of demons abound even in the churches of our day. Let us unite to plead God’s mercy and peace and love on all who are in Christ Jesus. May “Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.”

The Joy of Being Kept

Jude 1-2

Jesus said, “It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master…” (Matt. 10:25).

In reality we are.  What you are and how you conduct yourself is a clear revelation as to who is your teacher/master. If your profession and practice aren’t parallel, it is your practice that is the reliable revelation of your true character.

Life is one grand show and tell time. What you show by your conduct and what you tell by your speech should be one and the same.

Jesus said, “This people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” (Mark 7:6).

Jude gives a better understanding of the master-servant relationship.


We are all called to be: “a servant of Jesus Christ…”

The Greek word translated “servant” is DOULOS.  It was the word for a servant who is the prized purchased possession of his master. That is us. Called to Believe, Love and Obey. We are “called” as servants to these roles.

The master also had a responsibility for the servant.  He was responsible for the servant’s: Provisions, Protection, and Program.


Frequently the meaning of an English word can best be understood if a synonym for it is used.  The Greek text uses a word that can appropriately be translated “sanctified.”  It can and is translated in some version “beloved.”  We are His beloved.

I Thess. 4:3 lets us know His desire for us as His beloved in that we be sanctified, that is, set apart.

The words “sanctified” and “holy” come from the same root.  Holiness is a word that scares most Christians.  Perhaps it can be better understood in this light.

Practical holiness is our being set aside in Christ to live for Him.

Progressive holiness is explained by Paul who in Philippians 3:12 expressed his desire to show forth Christ daily.

Positional holiness is ours in that we are made perfect in Christ.

Prospective holiness awaits us in heaven.

If you have such a long-range goal, it keeps you from being frustrated by short-range failures.

I don’t know your opinion of Christ, but His opinion of you is made quite clear.  You are “beloved.”


A synonym for the Greek word translated “preserved” is simply “kept.”  You are “kept” by God. This is a fact to be enjoyed.

The word “kept” means to continually give close attention.  

Even when it may seem you aren’t — you are given Jesus’ attention always.

The First Century Spread of the Gospel

The story of the spread of the gospel after the resurrection is intriguing. First, it exploded in Jerusalem and throughout the country.

The Acts of the Apostles portrays the dispersal. After His resurrection, Jesus sent eleven of them to spread His teachings to all nations. This event has been called the Dispersion of the Apostles. They were not the only ones involved in the spread. 

Before the birth of Jesus God was at work in order that things might be ready in the fullness of time.

Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world. He had developed the Koine (common) Greek language throughout, making it easy to communicate in various cultures.

Greece was conquered by Rome, but Rome stole, copied, and borrowed much of the Greek culture, including the Koine Greek which was spoken in much of the world. Some have said that Greek civilization conquered Rome. Thus, Koine Greek became the commercial language of the Roman Empire. This provided the early Christian missionaries with an open door to preach in the common language of the people of the Empire.

Rome established law throughout the Empire. The political unity of the Empire and the long peace had fostered commerce, which in turn sent Christian  businessmen all over the Roman world. This great empire prepared the physical scene for the spread of the gospel in the following ways: 1) it gave peace in place of constant tribal warfare; 2) it built a great network of roads and bridges that made travel possible all over the then known world; 3) it cleared the sea of pirates so that trade by sea and travel by ship became common practice; and 4) it protected its citizens from robbers and rioting. These means of communications were set up by Rome to move her armies, but God used them to spread the gospel of peace throughout the world. Many Roman soldiers became saved and shared the gospel as they traveled.

Roman Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity in 312 and throughout the empire thousands followed their Emperor in converting to his new faith.

A large population of early Christians were travelers or merchants, and they went to various places including Asia Minor. They spread the word broadly.

Many Jewish slaves on ships were Christians and they were popular agents of spreading the gospel in port cities.

By the year 100 AD, there were more than 40 communities of early Christians established, and most of these were in Anatolia. This place was also regarded as Asia Minor, and it was where the Seven Churches of Asia was found. Afterward, also the Greek New Testament was written in Koine Greek. Christianity spread in other places including Syria, Greece, Armenia, Africa, Arabia, India and Rome. These places served as the foundations for the spread of Christianity. Christianity had become viral. 

It is up to the present generation to continue the spread.