Women in the New Testament

Women in the culture of the New Testament were low in the social order, little more than property. They were not considered worthy to be a witness in the courts of the era. Yet, they played a vital role in the life and ministry of Jesus. Some were the last at the cross and first at the tomb. The first evangelist was a woman. Consider the roll of some.

AT THE CROSS: There were four women near the cross. (John 19: 25 – 27) 

Mary the mother of Jesus was experiencing what Simeon had predicted, an emotional sword was piercing her heart. (Luke 2: 35)

Salome, mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee.

Mary, the wife of Cleopus, neither of which are mentioned anywhere else in the Bible.

Mary Magdalene, one out of which Jesus had cast demons. (Mark 16: 9, Luke 8: 2)

There were many other women watching from a distance. (Matthew 27: 55, 56) One mentioned is Mary the mother of two other disciples, James and Matthew.

AT THE TOMB: Three women were at the empty tomb. (Mark 16:1 or Luke 24:10)

The women were Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of James, and Salome. 

THE REPORT: Women mentioned as reporting the empty tomb were  Mary Magdalene, Susanna, Joanna, Mary the mother of James. (Luke 24: 9 – 11)

Consider some of the women. Mary the mother of Jesus, much, but not too much has been written about her.

Mary Magdalene was the first characterized as a prostitute in 591 by Pope Gregory I. There is no hint in the Bible she was a prostitute or the wife of Jesus. She was the first evangelist in that she made the good report of the resurrection.

Joanna, who was a follower of Jesus. (Luke 8:1-3) She was married to Cuza, the manager of Herod’s household (CFO).

Jesus Christ was Immanuel, God with us. He was as much human as though He were not God and as much God as though He were not man. He was the God/man-man/God.

He is depicted as having “emptied Himself.” That is, He never used His divine nature for His own welfare, though He often did for others.

However, without using His divine nature for Himself, He had to learn and develop as a human being.  That means He had to learn languages like anyone else.

Jesus spoke more than one language, one of which was Greek. There are three internal Bible examples where Greek would have been the logical language He used on those special occasions.

In Mark 5, He encountered and had an exchange with the demoniac of Gadara. Alexander the Great and a large contingency of his army populated this area for some time and a large remnant remained to populate the area. The language of that region was Greek. It is logical that Jesus used the language of the people in ministering there.

In Matthew 15 Jesus encountered the Syro-Phoenician woman. Again for the same reason Greek was the popular language of the region and logically their interchange would have been Greek.

The third and most convincing reason for concluding Jesus spoke Greek was His trial before Pontius Pilate. All diplomatic and government business in the court was in Greek.

The following is speculation. If Jesus spoke Greek He had to learn it like any other youth. When and how did He learn it? He would not have learned it in the village of Nazareth. Nearby, less than four miles, was the thriving sophisticated Greek founded city of Sepphoris.  Seeking work and engaging in commerce it is logical Joseph would have visited there often. It would not have been uncommon for the young Jesus to have accompanied him. Sons of tradesmen often followed their fathers as apprentices. 

Today, as in that era, it is not uncommon that when a family of means encounters a less fortunate family with a gifted child they offer to take the child and see that he is educated.  Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward (CFO) who was from the region might have been such a benefactor. It would have been there He learned Greek. In Jesus’ adult life it is noted she was healed by Jesus and later she was one of the women who ministered to and supported Jesus out of her private means.  

This is shared to encourage readers that if Jesus could have used that cast of characters He can use you.

Paul: A Conquering Plodder 10/3/99

II Corinthians 11:23-28

JESUS CHRIST said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).

As tea permeates all the water in which it is placed so the word “daily” pervades this statement. It calls for continuation, it demands devotion, and requires regimentation. There are no “off days.”

The modern American lifestyle does little to encourage longevity in anything. “Channels” magazine notes the average adult male (who wins the gender and age battle over possession of the TV remote in most American households) changes stations every 19 minutes.

The short interest span of the public has changed the nature of TV. In the 1950’s a typical camera shot lasted 35 – 50 seconds. Today it last 5 seconds. Commercials are even more frantic. Therein images are often changed every second. Sound bites formerly lasted 25 seconds. Now three words are preferred.

It is projected that persons entering the work force today will have an average of 17 major employments in their life time.

Those who head volunteer organizations say it is increasingly difficult to get people to make long term commitments.

Enter stage left: the plodder.

Longevity is the price tag on many worthwhile things. I heard it said of an older person consistency is the talisman of your life.

Persons with an elementary knowledge of the era of Queen Victoria know it to have been a period of vitality and virtue in England. One of the primary reasons was the stable of stable ministers in Great Britain, plodders all.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was the dynamic herald at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London.

F. B. Meyer was a flame of faith to all who heard him.

C.H. Liddon was the powerful pulpiteer who faithfully shared at St. Paul’s.

Alexander MacLaren, a peerless expositor, fed his flock faithfully.

Joseph Parker devotedly declared the good news at the City Temple.

Seldom has an era been so dynamically impacted by loyalist who by their longevity and legendary preaching influenced a culture. They all were plodders who would not be deterred from their task.

Athletes often set admirable examples as overcomers who achieve. The 1999 World Cup is a tournament few who viewed it will ever forget. Michelle Akers, considered the best female soccer player in the world, helped propel the U.S. team to the championship. Her life’s pilgrimage to the center field of celebration was a bumpy one.

She grew up as a tomboy wearing jersey number 75 as worn by her hero “Mean” Joe Green of the Pittsburgh Steelers. She was a fierce competitor who even became furious if she lost at Monopoly.

When her mom signed her up for soccer at age eight she was on a losing team and begged to quit. Besides, she said the uniforms were pink and yellow.

Her parents divorce caused her confusion resulting in her rebellion: skipping school, dating older guys, experimenting with drugs, and lying.

Her high school soccer coach, Mr. Kovats, was a consistent Christian. Michelle says she hated what she was becoming. She was a bewildered sad, confused, and angry young girl. Having little understanding of what she was asking she asked the right question. She asked Mr. Kovats how she could have what he had. When he explained how to have a personal relationship with God she hesitated thinking this is a lot to risk. Nevertheless her desperate condition resulted in her praying to receive Christ. Her life was immediately impacted.

She received a scholarship to college and was four-times a soccer All-American. She got married, traveled the world and became the first female athlete to have paid endorsements.

Then her health began to fail. She experienced extreme fatigue to the point she couldn’t even get out of bed or brush her teeth. Migraine headaches and fever racked her body. She was diagnosed as having Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). Her husband left her when she was at rock bottom. Alone and disillusioned she realized she had gradually left God out of her life and failed to give Him her all. At this point she was willing to give Him anything He wanted and prayed, “You can have this stuff. You can have this body. You can have this life. You can have me. Because I have made a mess of everything.”

In retrospect she said she came to realize God was tapping her on the shoulder and calling her back to Himself. When everything caved in on her she realized it wasn’t punishment but God giving her a wake-up call by hitting her with a sledgehammer.

Michelle said things changed. Things were then missing in her life: fear, loneliness, and frustration.

In the World Cup finals Michelle exhausted herself and had to be helped from the field. When Brandi Chastain scored the winning goal she demanded the IV’s be taken from her arms and she staggered on the field to be with her team mates.

She humbly says “I hold steady to what is most important and crucial in my life: my relationship with God and the privilege of being His kid.”

Michelle Akers, the best female soccer player in the world plodded to a world championship.

A plodder with a challenging path was Thomas Bramwell Welch (1825-1903). He changed his residence 15 times in his first 35 years and careers almost as often. Born in Glastonbury, England, his family moved to North America when he was age 6. The Welches landed in Montreal but moved an indirect route to Watertown, New York.

At age 19 he became a Wesleyan Methodist minister who fought for the abolition of slavery and helped smuggle slaves through the Underground Railroad to Canada. After three years of preaching he developed an incapacitating vocal problem that forced him from the ministry.

This plodder turned to the practice of medicine. Lucy, his wife, supported their seven children while he went to medical school. After a brief practice, Dr. Tom, as he was called became restless and turned to dentistry.

In 1868 he moved to Vineland, New Jersey, a fruit growing community. His dental patients often paid him in grapes.

He advertised “painless extractions…. under gas.” Another line: “Good chews or no pay.”

He developed and marketed various alloys during his 22 years as a dentist. This business boomed and he became independently wealthy and retired from dentistry to enjoy growing a variety of fruit.

Vineland had laws restricting the sale of alcoholic beverages which were largely ignored. He helped organize a temperance league in Vineland and also became Communion steward in his Wesleyan Methodist Church. As a tee-totaler he did not allow alcohol in his home and the idea of using it in the communion service bothered him. He began experimenting using only scientific methods common in the Biblical era. His desire was to produce a grape juice that would stay fresh for a long time.

In 1869 he employed the technique of Louis Pasteur called pasteurizing.

Using grapes he picked from his own vineyard he boiled them a few minutes, strained the juice through a cloth, poured the near boiling juice into serialized jars, sealed them with a cork and wax and boiled the bottles a few minutes longer. It worked. He produced Dr. Welch’s Unfermented Wine. The product created for use in the Lord’s Supper had its name changed in 1890 to Welch’s Grape Juice, as it is known today.

Churches that use unfermented wine for the Lord’s Supper owe this plodder a debt of gratitude. His beliefs resulted in a commitment with consequences of dedication.

Now note an admirable conquering plodder: Paul.

Paul is a dramatic example that the will of a plodder on the wrong course remains just as strong when directed on the right path. There are good and bad plodders. Prisons are full of plodders who were misdirected. Zeal can be for a good or bad thing.

Of Paul’s background his education is well known. Plodding requires more than routine regimentation and perpetual preparation. Paul had been schooled with the best. One of his instructors was the great philosopher Gamaliel. One part of his mentoring was to instruct his students in Greek poetry. Memorizing poetry is a marvelous mental exercise as well as a refreshing way to absorb truth. It later became a most meaningful part of his education.

The first time we meet Paul he is standing by holding the cloaks of those stoning Stephen. What a moment that must have been. “And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not charge them with this sin.’ And when he had said this, he fell asleep” (Acts 7:59,60).

There was no escaping the impact of such fidelity. In the spirit of Christ who prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing,” the first persons to be martyred for the cause of Christ dies with a similar spirit.

Paul’s initial reaction to the deaths of these two was outrage. His ultimate reaction is yet to be observed.

“Saul consented to his death …. he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison” (Acts 8: 1 & 3).

“Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem” (Acts 9:1, 2).

It was in that process the ruthless plodder became the redeemed plodder. His dramatic encounter with Christ on the Damascus road resulting with Ananias sharing with him in Damascus changed his life. Christ changed his life but did not rob him of his personality, assuage his intellect, or diminish his zeal. These and all other personal assets were merely converted, changed for a new and higher use.

Plodders pay the price for preparation. He spent ten years in Arabia, Damascus, Syria, Cilicia, and Jerusalem preparing for his new life-time commitment. The academician had much to learn about the Lord. There is no need of the orchestra playing unless it first tunes up. Paul is a template of tenacity in the process of preparation. Little did he know the Lord had begun his preparation long before his conversion. God is constantly working in our lives to prepare us at times we are unsuspecting.

The single minded Paul was now set on a new course. His travels resulted in three missionary journeys to take the good news to Europe.

His knowledge of Scripture was vital in preaching in Jerusalem in that his audience was familiar with Scripture. He could speak of what the prophets had said of the coming Messiah and they knew the references. All that regiment of preparation equipped him for this moment.

Then however he went to Athens where the people had no knowledge of Scripture. They were a prophecy desert. Remember Gamaliel? He insisted that his students read Greek poetry. At the Acropolis Paul saw the statues to many gods and one to an “unknown god.” Such a statue had been erected just in case they omitted one unintentionally.

To reach the Greek mind Paul reached back in his memory and quoted from one of their poets: “for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring'” (Acts 17:28).

Paul had learned well and from the files of his brilliant mind he pulls quotes the Greeks knew. He first quoted the Cretian poet Epimenides from his poem “Cretica” in which the character Minos speaks. Then he quoted from the Cilician poets Aratus and Cleanthes. He knew how to relate. He was willing to begin where they were in order to get them to where they needed to be. Using that same technique Michelle Akers and Dr. Thomas Welch have been sited.

Paul knew that in Christ we “live and move and have our being,” just as we know the crew of a submarine lives within their vessel dependent upon it for life.

Paul became the herald of the distilled truth that has changed individuals and societies.

Years lapsed and the church in Europe lapsed into error. A young monk named Martin Luther read Paul’s writing as recorded in Romans 1:17, “The just shall live by faith.” This was so contrary to what the church was advocating it became revolutionary and the Reformation was given birth in Europe. The word “revealed” means “to take off the veil.” This was a grand unveiling.

In the Convent Library at Erfurt is a renown painting depicting Martin Luther as a young monk. At the age of 24 he is shown reading a portion of Scripture in the early morning light. On the page from which he is reading can be seen the words, “The just shall live by faith.”

Centuries before the prophet Habakkuk had penned these words and the Apostle Paul had set them like a jewel in his writings to the church at Rome.

In the library of Rudolstadt is a handwritten letter penned by Paul Luther, the son of Martin. In it he shares this insight from his family.

“In the year 1544, my late dearest father journeyed to Rome. He acknowledged with great joy that, in that city, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, he had come to the knowledge of the truth of the everlasting Gospel.”

That coming to the knowledge occurred in the Cathedral Church of St. John of Lateran in Rome. Therein are three parallel staircases. People walk up the stairs to the left and right but those in the middle are considered special. On some of the steps of the center stair case are coverings of plate glass through which stains can be seen. A late tradition says these were the stairs in Pilate’s Hall in Jerusalem and the stains are the blood of Jesus Christ.

As a devoted young monk Luther like many before and since climbed these steps on his knees seeking to gain God’s favor. There the text he is depicted as having read by the dawns early light comes to mind. At a moment in which he was by his own virtue and effort seeking to earn God’s favor it dawned on him, “The just shall live by faith.” That excluded works as a means of appropriating God’s forgiveness and grace. His mind illumined, he jumped to his feet and went on his way rejoicing.

Now back to the Library at Rudolstadt and the hand written letter by the son of Martin Luther: “Thereupon, he ceased his prayers, returned to Wittenberg, and took this as the chief foundation of his doctrine.”


“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

That is the foundation of Christianity.

Summarily Paul wrote of the path he had plod for Christ:
“Are they ministers of Christ?; I speak as a fool; I am more: in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often. From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I have been in the deep; in journeys often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of my own countrymen, in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; in weariness and toil, in sleeplessness often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness; besides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches” (II Cor 11: 23-28).

As Paul plodded on he paused near the end of his life in Caesarea. A prophet named Agabus came to meet him there.

“When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ Now when we heard these things, both we and those from that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, ‘What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus’” (Acts 21: 11 – 13).

All of Paul’s plodding had prepared him for what was to come. He who wrote of living by faith not only lived by faith he died with faith.

If legend is true his adversaries led him out of Rome on the Appian Way where they severed his head from his frail body. He like Stephen died for his Lord. In that flash of time he experienced the second part of his depiction of the Christian experience of which he wrote: “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Paul, justified by grace not works, gained eternity.

Christ Still Asks: “Do You Love Me?”

John 21: 14 – 17

Jesus often endures our embarrassing abuse, denial, and betrayal only to come back compassionately to restore us to an even more meaningful love relationship with Him.

On the eve of His crucifixion His disciples showed no staying power when pressure was applied by the accusing Romans who came to arrest Him in Gethsemane. They became instant mutineers. They were a disgrace to their declared devotion as they fled for their lives.

Commitment is the capacity to carry out the intent of a decision long after the emotion that inspired it has faded.

Let’s review the aftermath of the disciples’ disgraceful debacle in Gethsemane. Observe various parts of the interchange and see their significance.

Jesus said, “unto them, come and dine” (Vs. 12). The expression “unto them” is dative of advantage, meaning it was to their advantage to do as invited.  Whatever Christ asks us to do is always to our advantage.

In the Greek text “come” is a participle of exhortation. It was the strongest word of instruction He could use.

It is plural and thus the invitation was to all the disciples.

The appeal to “dine” is in the imperative mood, noting it as a command.

It is aorist tense, inferring it was to have future results.

The active voice stresses that each must do it for himself.

These same principles are inherent in all of Christ’s invitations to us.

Jesus had a fire built (Vs. 9). Biblically, fire always spoke of judgment. Jesus pictorially walked to the fire, typifying the fact He, too, was their, and our judgment on Calvary.

Bread was provided by Christ. Bread had always symbolized basic provisions. Christ “gave” it to them. This is emblematic of His provisions for us. His provisions make us operative.

Fish were also provided. Fish were a longstanding symbol of productivity.

Judgment always comes first. The fire was foremost.

Next, He provides provisions that enable us to act. He makes our productivity possible.

Jesus posed a question applicable to us: “Do you love me?”

After this and other encounters with the resurrected Christ, these cowering disciples became changed people. At the peril of their lives they went out and changed the world. Their transformed lives is one of the best proofs of the resurrection. People would not risk their lives to defend a lie or for that matter a disgraced dead man. He was alive and that gave their lives purpose. It does the same for people today. 

He is Immanuel, God with us — daily. He still asks, “Do you love me?”  What is your answer?

It’s About Time – Bible Time: Three Days and Three Nights

A question lingering after the celebration of the resurrection relates to time, the time between Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. 

Having visited the Bible Land many times, I have always enjoyed visiting remote regions among the Bedouins who live today very much like first century life. Exact time matters little to them. I once asked the age of a certain child. The answer was: “Who knows? Who counts years, days, and seconds?”

Even in modern times different cultures record time differently. Before the introduction of Standard Time in the 1880s, different countries, states, and even neighboring towns, kept their own time with no attempt at consistency. Even though clocks, and later watches, are widely available, much of the world still today estimated their time by the natural rhythms of the Sun and Moon until late into the 19th Century.

Stonehenge in Britain was probably built to measure time. It measured the year by the sunrise and sunset angle on the horizon. It is possible to use other, easily observed, signs of the passage of days. The annual disappearance and reappearance of the stars has been used by many cultures. Natural signs such as the blossoming or fruiting of particular plants or the migrations of birds have also been used to mark the passing of the seasons.

In counting days and nights in the time of Christ it was done differently than today. In light of all this, it is easy to see why there are questions related to the issue of three days and three nights.

In the time of Christ any part of a day was considered a full day. That is, a “day” was not considered as a full 24 hour interval.

We consider a day as beginning at sunup followed by daylight with night coming after the daylight hours.

In the Jewish tradition a day began with sundown. The night (dark) was counted before the actual daylight.

Thus when the sun set on Thursday that was the night part of a new day, Friday.

Hence, Friday was one night and day, 

Friday night at sundown day two began.

Saturday at sundown day three began.

This accounts as three days and three nights. To try to understand it based on our reckoning of time is not proper. It must be based on how days were reckoned in Bible times.

The important issue is not how long His lifeless body was in the tomb, but in the fact it did not stay there, He arose from the dead to give life, eternal life, to all who engage in a form of trust of Him that involves responding to Him as not only Savior, but Master to whom they are obedient.

Every one of winter’s dead bows that blossoms speaks of resurrection.

The Rose of Sharon arose.

People, Places, and Events Regarding the Crucifixion and Resurrection

THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. Jewish tribes coming to Jerusalem in the Bible era always camped in the same places. Those from Galilee always camped on the southern end of the Mount of Olives. To get from Bethany, where Jesus had spent the night, to Jerusalem from there Jesus had to travel through their encampment. Galileans knew Jesus, much of His ministry was performed there. On His way to Jerusalem He passed through their encampment. As He did, they shouted “Hosanna” and other praises. He was their champion. Galleans being rural people, farmers, shepherds, and fishermen, they wanted the Romans driven out. Their motivation for shouting praise was likely not of Him as Messiah, but potential liberator. It was nonetheless fitting praise.

Later in Jerusalem the religious and merchandising community led the crowd shouting “Crucify Him,” They were profiting from the business provided by the Romans and wanted to placate them, thus they were inclined to condemn Jesus.

It was not the same crowd shouting the two different expressions as commonly thought in Western culture. 

THE CAVE IN GETHSEMANE. After an extended and exhausting day in Jerusalem, Jesus went to a place well known to Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was already too exhausted to climb the Mount of Olives and return to Bethany.

In the garden was a cave still in existence today. Jesus was in it when Roman soldiers came for Him. The text says Jesus “went out” to meet them. The Greek text means “He went out from within” to meet them. This further indicates He was within some enclosure, the cave.

A BOARD GAME AT CALVARY. Scripture notes Roman soldiers gambled for Jesus’ garments at Calvary. There was a game popular with Roman soldiers called the Basalie, or King’s Game. The markings would have been made on a stone. In playing the game a criminal, and if one was not available a straw man, was mocked as a king and abused. In that instance Jesus was their mock king being belittled .

ON CALVARY’S HILL. There is no evidence in the Bible Calvary was a hill or mount. The concept was made popular by Cecil Francis Alexander (1818-95) in a hymn regarding the crucifixion entitled, “There Is A Green Hill Faraway.”

THE HEIGHT OF THE CROSS. Jesus was offered a sip from a sponge on a reed. Such reeds were approximately 18″ long. Thus, His head was about 9″ to 10″ high, no higher. 

THE CROSS. The cross was not made of dogwood according to a popular thought. Dogwoods don’t grow in Israel or the region. It’s shape may have been as is normally thought. However, Romans crucified many people using anything that resembled a cross, such as the fork of a tree. Some were even “X” or “T” shaped.

GUARDS AT THE TOMB. Jewish leaders asked Pilate for a guard to make certain the tomb was secure. Shortly before this Herod had disgracefully divorced his wife, the daughter of the King of the Nabataeans, Aretas domiciled in Petra. Aretas retaliated by engaging Herod’s forces in battle east of the Dead Sea. Herod’s forces suffered heavy losses in the battle. There were scarcely enough to keep the peace during the festival apart from Roman soldiers. In response to the request made of Pilate the scarceness of Jewish forces prompted Him to say, “You have a guard.” It is commonly thought he was giving them a guard.. However, it is more likely he was saying “You have a guard, your Temple Guard, use the guard you have.” This being true there were not members of Herod’s forces or Roman soldiers at the tomb resurrection morning, but Jewish members of the Temple Guard.

REGARDLESS of such details as these, it is the FACT Jesus suffered, died, and was resurrected for our sins. It is that we celebrate at Easter.