State Your Case

Do you ever feel like you have nothing for which to be thankful? Don’t dwell there. However, if you do, reflect on some previous times and ways God has blessed you. Most didn’t thank Him adequately the original time. Put modesty aside and admit He has blessed you. There is strength in a thankful heart.

If you have such feelings there is a possibility you also feel a need in your life. If so, use the antidote prescribed by Isaiah, “Produce your case, bring forth your strong reason….” (Isaiah 41: 21) Analytically, do it.

This is an appeal to use logic and reason. Clear your mind of fantasy. That is what Scripture means when it says, “…pulling down strongholds….” In a previous verse we are encouraged to “…cast down imaginations….” (II Corinthians 10: 4,5)

Don’t fantasize. The undisciplined mind can run away. “In nothing (be) terrified by our adversary.” (Philippians 1: 28) The word “terrified” translates the word used to describe a horse spooked in battle. That is a graphic description of what happens in one’s mind. Don’t panic and have your mind run away with fantasized thoughts.

To state your case means to face reality, good and bad, not just the bad. Your case can never be settled as long as you are playing mental games. Therefore, do all within your ability to line up reality and give it a thorough inspection. That is step one in recovery. Don’t be pretentious. Things might be very bad, but they are never as bad as you might imagine.

Old Testament character Joshua came to a time of need. The encouragement given him is appropriate for you: “Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1: 9) The theme emerges elsewhere “in the presence of the Lord there is strength.” He is with you. Acknowledge it and act accordingly.

As a deep sea diver is dependent on his diving gear, we are dependent on the Lord. As he must trust the gear so we must trust the Lord. Without it he is helpless in an alien environment. Without the Lord we are helpless. Don’t act like you don’t have Him, act because you do have Him.

A constantly sad saint is a sad sort of a saint. Be of good cheer. An awareness of the presence of the Lord with you gives you the capacity to say yes or no… and whoopee. 

The acclaimed novelist Dostoveski noted, “The ant knows the formula for the anthill. The bee knows the formula for the beehive. They do not know the formula in a human way, but in their own way. Only man does not know the formula.”

Our formula is, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me…” (Psalm 23: 4)