The Inexorable Law of Sowing and Reaping – Part Three

Scripture notes, “God is not mocked…” This doesn’t mean people don’t try to mock Him. It means you can’t do it and get away with it. “Mocked” literally means you can’t turn up your nose at God and get away with it. A terrible price is paid for mocking Him.

When you consider the many people and diverse ways people are turning up their noses at God you know great judgment awaits. When a society does so even that entire society can’t get away with it.

A person who thinks he can break God’s law and get away with it is dramatically deceiving himself.

Whatever is sown is reaped. It is impossible to sow “the works of the flesh” and reap “the fruit of the Spirit.”  You can’t sow dissipation and reap good health. You can’t sow discord and reap harmony. You can’t sow conflict and reap peace. You can’t sow rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior and reap eternal life through His loving grace.

There was a song by Ray Boltz entitled, “Thank You” with its setting in Heaven. The singer is expressing thanks to various persons who had done things that influenced him and resulted in him being in heaven.

When our faith is shared with a lost person there is a potential of a heavenly harvest. That truly is harvesting more than sown.

If you share the seed of salvation and someone responds positively, rejoice that someone previously sowed and you harvested. If you share the seed of salvation and the person does not respond then the Lord you have shared the seed and someone later may reap the harvest. You do your part in sharing and watch God do His part.

“He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (II Cor. 9: 6).

You have a lot to give that isn’t money, it is more valuable than cash.

Delayed response often causes persons to give up and quit. Play this on the soundtrack of your mind: “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until he receive the early and the latter rain. You also be patient…” (James 5: 7, 8a).