The Second Noel – Part Four

Part of the second noel was the announcement of God’s good will toward all.

In the supernatural act of Jesus’ birth God was showing His strong desire for our “good will.”  His will toward us is good.  He designed, devised, and desires our good will.  Only we can prevent it.

On His natal night the shepherds heard the angels issue an ageless proclamation of “goodwill” on earth.

In announcing the birth of Christ the world’s first communication satellite was put in orbit above Bethlehem. All of nature was at the Father’s disposal and He used a star to mark the locale of Christ’s birth.

There is a bit of wit circulating that notes what a difference it would have made if these had been three wise women rather than wise men. They would have stopped and asked directions, and arrived on time. They would have helped deliver the baby, clean the stable, make a casserole, and brought disposable diapers as gifts.

The Magi were guided by that star.

They were Magi, not magicians, astronomers not astrologists, scientists not wizards. 

They were wise not because of their learning but because of their seeking for wisdom and truth.  In Christ they found both.

Even the dumb animals in the manger in Bethlehem knew more about the Christ child’s birth than the pious religious leaders in Jerusalem. We must be certain that we don’t simply know a lot about Him, but fail to know Him personally.

In contrast to the wise men, the shepherds represent one of the lowest classes of the society of the era. They were desert dwellers of low esteem. As Christianity is for the wealthy intellects so it is also for the poor and uneducated. It is for the “as many as will.”

When the angels spoke to the shepherds they in effect responded:
“Let us go…” (Vs. 15).

They acted on what they knew, not letting what they didn’t know keep them from acting.

Now that you have heard what they heard, will you not respond as they and say, “I am going…”  “I am going to receive Christ.”  “I am going to respond openly as did the shepherds.”