Three Basic Desires

ABC-TV had a documentary featuring John Stossel on “Happiness.” It involved extensive research. Their interviews of persons in Third World countries was interesting. When asked how happy they were, they most often answered indicating they had never thought about it. In America we think about it. It seems we have a constant monitor on our “happiness pulse.” We need to avoid going around asking ourselves, “Am I happy?”

One conclusion reached by that secular program was that persons who had a practical Christian faith tended to be happier than those who do not. The reason is they have a sense of commitment and purpose that adds to happiness. Such persons have a sense that their life is in control because of their faith in God.

That is part of what Christ was talking about when He said, “I am come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

With Him in control there is a sense of well being resulting in happiness. This stability results when we realize: “Our efficiency turns out to be our deficiency without His sufficiency.”

Psychologists say human beings have three basic desires: acceptance, approval, and appreciation.

Scripture teaches us we are created in the likeness of God. That means He has three basic desires: acceptance, approval, and appreciation. How do you score?

Faith can carry us when all else fails. Even under extenuating circumstances it prevails. Historical examples of this are our predecessors who were persecuted for their faith. Indicative of those tortured for their faith was Polycarp, leader of the church in Smyrna, at the end of the first century. His state appointed tormentor said to him: “Say, ‘Away with the atheist,’ (Jesus) swear by the godhead of Caesar, and blaspheme Christ.”

He replied, “Eighty-and-six years have I served Him, and He has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” 

His executioner asked him how his head was resisting. He replied, “It matters not how the head rests, what matters is how is the heart.”

He had his values right, do you?

Some seem to have this mind-set regarding work.

There are 365 days in a year:
A workday is only 1/3 of a day, eight hours, that is 122 days a year.
There are fifty-two Sundays a year; so that leaves 70 work days.
There are fifty-two Saturdays a year; so that leaves 18 work days.
You get two weeks, 14 days of vacation; so that leaves 4 work days.
The average worker takes 3 days sick leave; that leaves one work day a year.

Contrast that by approaching every task with a mind-set of doing it – – – as to the Lord.