When God Says “Surprise”

Even when it seems you are being required to take a postgraduate course in adversity management, God is with you.

Pitch your mental tent over this, “When we are down to nothing, God is up to something.”

When our plans are complete, and we know how things are going to go, but something happens to throw us off course, what then? Have you been there?

Disappointment is inevitable, discouragement is an option. Our disappointments are most often God’s appointments. Like a deflated balloon we need to be reinflated. That is when God shows up.

There is a story about three princesses of Ceylon who set out in search for specific treasures. In each case they did not find the treasure for which they searched. Instead, they were constantly surprised by unexpected treasures that exceeded their expectations. They grew to understand that an adventurous life consists of unexpected surprises.  If we are seeking God’s will, we will find He often destroys our castles in the air and replaces them with unexpected blessings.

Serendipity is a word meaning the ability to find valuable things which were not expected. It is the ability to find amid the rubble of broken dreams those which are more fulfilling.

God is not only a God of miracles, He is a God of surprises. Cruel sinners crucified Him and sealed Him in a lifeless tomb. It was a hopeless day —- BUT, on the third day God said, “Surprise.” Thus, what seemed like a hopeless end resulted in endless hope.

Live a life capable of catching the unexpected and making the most of it. Don’t rule out “God Moments.” Enjoy those “Well-would-you-look-at-that” moments. A holy “WOW” now and then is OK. There are more “I never thought of it like that” moments than we tend to realize. God can often be found in them.

Be open to letting God freelance and surprise you. Life with God is full of surprises —- and blessings. Expect both. Try to understand life through His lenses.

Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. It was a perilous path to becoming prime minister of Egypt. He concluded, “They intended it for evil, God intended it for good.” 

Today and every day, discover the good news God has for you.