Who Is Afraid Of…

“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word),
In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?” (Psalm 56: 3,4)

David might be considered worthy of having fear. He was afraid of Achish, king of Gath. (I Samuel 21: 12)

Have you ever been afraid? Sure you have, me too. Once when under attack my emotions were so strong my body was involuntarily shaking. An encouraging friend asked how I was doing. I said, “I am fine, but my body isn’t doing so well.” Knowing and applying truth such as are in this text enabled my body to gain peaceful control. It was mind over matter.

I had a little self-talk. Some of my best talks have been with myself. I found it experientially true that trust and confidence in the Lord is the best antidote against fears. It can cause one to  shake off  fears by trusting in the Lord, and depending on His word.

Chances are we’ll all have occasions to deal with fear. The Bible cautions “In the world you will have tribulation. …” (John 16: 33) It counters:

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. …” (Isaiah 41: 10) These should be our watchwords in our contest and conquest.

The word translated “dismayed” means “don’t give up, don’t quit.” There are times when you might be inclined to give up, fear is so formidable. That is when the antidote of fear must be applied. It is faith and trust. It is a mental thing with spiritual consequence.

An unknown poet gives a grim picture of a traveler on a lonesome road, who has caught a glimpse of a frightful figure close behind who resolves:

“And having once turned round walks on
And turns no more his head.”

The dread thing is still there, right on his heels. Though he does not see it he feels it breathing down his neck. Rightly he rigidly fixes his gaze ahead and remains inflexible. This is how many deal with their thoughts of God. There is not only the ominous thing following after him, but he fixes his awareness of the presence of his all powerful God. God becomes such a factual force His hand can almost be felt.

There is a wholesome fear. It is the fear of the Lord. There is a Hebrew word which means to fear and tremble as in pain and mental anguish. This is not used of the Lord. A different word is used for the fear of God meaning to reverence, to venerate, actually to worship. The second of these fears overcomes the first fear.

Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. Make it a point to have a little self-talk.