You Can Experience His Resurrection Power: Part Three

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.” (Ephesians 1: 18)

Help is needed to receive and respond to Jesus’ calling of our lives.


The resurrection power which brought Christ back from the dead is available to His followers today.  He who exalted Christ has guaranteed our inheritance. We can presently know His power by what He has done in the past.  To know the power of atomic energy look at Chernobyl. To know the power of God, look at the empty tomb. 

Paul’s prayer is worth praying: “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection….” (Philippians 3: 10)

Jesus Christ rightly said, “Without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15: 5)

Paul, knowing this and availing Himself of the power of the resurrection wrote, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4: 13)

In verse 19 note the first word “power.” It translates “dunameos,” the word from which we get dynamic, dynamo, and dynamite.

Note the second word translated “power.” It comes from the Greek “ischuos,” which means “might or strength force.” 

God’s dynamics work in the believer to provide strength that exceeds all other power that might threaten our inheritance.

The word “working,” “energeian,” the ability to do. Jesus wants to energize the believer.  As a mechanical toy needs an energizer, so does the believer. Christ in you is that Eternal Energizer. This energy is essential to salvation and service.

It was the resurrected Christ who said, “All power is given to me in heaven and earth….” (Matthew 28: 19) He is our energy and power.