The Best Day of Your Life

What is the best day of your life other than today? Some, perhaps most, would say yesterday. As influential as that day is in helping shape your today it isn’t the best day because there is nothing you can do to change it.

A lot of people feel they are destined to be today what they are today because of things that happened to them and decisions they made yesterday. Some are excusing themselves of certain habits or behaviors in their past. If you are doing it, quit living in the past, start today with a changed mind to make decisions that can change you and your future. 

Out there in your future there is an inevitable, hopefully a long time off, date with destiny. Your decisions can determine that destiny. Waiting at the end of your destiny is a date with the One who can help you best live the days ensuing between now and then.

You can change, you can be a better you to live your tomorrows.

“… do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12: 2)

This is a call to transformation. The Greek word for “be transformed” is metamorphoo. In it you can hear our word metamorphous.  It means “to change into another form or image.”  Really, it means to be transformed from one state, one type of thing, into another.  It pictures a caterpillar being changed into a butterfly or a tadpole into a frog.  

The word is transformed not emulation. To emulate is to look like. not to actually become like. We are not to look like Jesus, we are to have a new nature and be like Him. This transformation means to be like and act like Jesus. This is possible only by the “power of God.” To get it requires a renewed mind. The word for “renewal” is the word anakainosis.  This word isn’t found outside of Christian literature, but it literally means a renovation or to breathe new life into something. This is done by whole heartily submitting to the Lordship of Christ as a result of your renewed mind. Because of a changed mind, ask Him to enable you to have a transformed life. Then tomorrow will be your best day as you await the eventual truly best day.