Are You as Frustrated as an Eskimo in His Fur Trimmed Parka in Hawaii? Part Three

Luke 21: 25 – 28

In general there are two types of frustrations.

There are episodic frustrations which are temporary problems, such as missing an important phone call, trying to get a knot out of a shoestring while friends call you a klutz or worse, or being unable to solve a computer glitch. 

An episode of frustration is you slamming the fridge door because your favorite snack isn’t there.

It’s you kicking the cat or dog because someone chewed you out when you didn’t deserve it.

There are process frustrations which occur when a person continuously feels blocked in an area of life. Process frustrations build up and cause major problems. 

It is you and circumstances standing face to face with life shouting “no way” and you responding “yes way” and circumstances won’t yield.

A few years ago psychologist William Kraus wrote a book entitled “How to Conquer Your Frustrations.”  Some of his observations are worthy of noting.   He said:

1. Frustrations exist when our wants, wishes, and desires get thwarted or interrupted. The feeling results from disparities between what we want and what we find available. For example, when our level of aspiration exceeds our level of achievement, we will likely experience frustration.

2. Frustrations can range from imperceptible to powerful.

3. Frustration starts from a feeling of discomfort.

4. We cause our frustrations because of what and how we think about our frustrations.

5. Strong frustrations result in mixed emotional states that have a disorganizing effect on memory and behavior.

6. Depending on how we interpret our feelings of frustration, they can stimulate positive change, aggression, regression, complacency, or compulsive behavior.

This last one means you choose how you will respond to your frustrations. Options are available to you. You are not a slave to your heredity or environment. You have willpower. You are responsible.

In their time of frustration many people try to find someone or something to blame in order to justify themselves. “They made me do it,” is a cover-all for all sorts of inexcusable attitudes and actions.