Confidence in Commitment

A clear concept of what is involved in being saved gives peace of mind resulting in great joy. Consider these human facilities and be sure they are balanced in your life..

God can tell who has said “no” and who has said “yes” at the point of God-consciousness.  We can’t. Don’t assume all have said, “Yes, I want to know more.” Therefore, we must evangelistically reach out to them. That means we are to export the gospel.  Have you said “Yes” to Jesus?

For any person to be saved, they must “accept Jesus Christ.”  What does this involve? It involves an attachment to Jesus which is intellectual, emotional and willful.

It is as though three little people are sitting on a bench under the dome of your cranium. One is named Mr. Intellect, one Mr. Emotions, and the third Mr. Will.  Each is to give a testimony.

Mr. Intellect stands to say, “I believe the Bible to be the sole authority for faith and practice. I believe Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, was born of a virgin to be the Savior who died for the sins of the world.” This intellectual ascent is wonderful, but at this point the person isn’t saved.

Some have come to Jesus with the most elemental knowledge of insight. A native American who had just failed a seminary exam said to his wife, “I don’t know nothing but Jesus,” and he didn’t, but he later learned much more.

Mr. Emotion speaks with great depth of feelings. Emotion is evident in his every word as he shares how deeply he feels about Jesus Christ. Poignantly with passion he tells of his sensitive regard for Jesus.  He speaks in terms of chill bumps, thrills, a tingling spine, and tears of joy.

Others testify of coming to Jesus with little or no emotional involvement. They are devoid of the facts with which Mr. Intellect spoke. Facts, not feelings, have led to the salvation of many.

Now Mr. Emotion and Mr. Intellect have joined in testifying of their regard for Jesus, but the person still isn’t saved.  The devil believes and trembles. Satan has intellectual knowledge with which he agrees about Jesus as the Son of God and is emotional about it, but he certainly isn’t saved.

Next, Mr. Will stands to testify saying, “I ‘Will’ will  that my will be your will Jesus. Not my will, but your will be done. Knowing the will of the Father to be to trust Jesus Christ as Savior I join with Mr. Intellect and Mr. Emotion in declaring my will is for Jesus to forgive and give me new life.”

When the three join as one then the person is saved. The degree with which Mr. Intellect and Mr. Emotion are involved may vary from person to person. They alone do not save. It is when they are under the control of Mr. Will a person is saved.