Dark Clouds Forming

What time is it? It is time to pray.

I have tried to live as a realistic optimist. Looking for the good in all things has been my standard throughout life, I have sought God’s will in all things and I still do. I must concede that it has become increasingly difficult to find the good in current affairs.

Foreboding storm clouds have gathered on all foreign fronts, internal strife floods our streets, and chaos seems to prevail in our legislative halls.

The prophet Isaiah spoke of an ominous era: 
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5: 20

Evidences are we are there. Just a few indications are the complexities regarding former President Trump, the China/Taiwan threats, the coalition of Russia/China/Iran, the war in Ukraine, the Tennessee three disruption, the economic uncertainty, our open borders, the lack of leadership locally and nationally, and an undercover government, are but a few of our challenges. All the while this laughed about, winked at, and refusal of admission of pending calamity. 

Woe is pronounced by God when such an hour comes.

I found this commentary of such an era based on Isaiah 51: 12:
“How often do we look at the difficulties in life and the people that threaten us with pain and problems, and start to sink into an abyss of fear, a seemingly bottomless pit of terror of the shocking things of which we know that fallen man is capable?

Our home and happiness come under threat, our comfort and character are the target of their fierce arrows, our family and friends, our safety and security, and even our work and witness for the Lord seems to be the only target at which they are aiming their cruel condemnation and fiery darts of contempt and censure – and as a result our peace and contentment is shredded into distress and confusion.

But like the people of Israel, we too are to hearken to the voice of the Lord. We are to look to the Rock of our salvation. We who have trusted in Christ as Savior are to remember the many precious promises He has made towards us, and we are also to recall countless times that God has defended and comforted His people Israel in their distress, knowing that His grace is the same toward His people, the Church, as it was in ancient past.”

What this means is things may not always be alright, but those who follow the Lord are going to be alright. We must not understand that to mean believers will be exempted when difficult times, but that they will experience His grace all the way to the grave, and thereafter share in His eternal glory.

What time is it? It is time to pray and become expressive. His grace is sufficient.