Holy Boldness

“I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and too unwise. So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1: 14 – 17)

When confronted and imprisoned for taking a stand for the gospel, Paul expressed a willingness to go even to Rome, a citadel of unbiblical morality, to preach the truths. That was holy boldness on steroids. 

Our society, which is increasingly hostile to biblical morality, is a desert needing the water of life. Rarely has holy boldness been so needed.

In the text three traits are noted:

* A sense of obligation, “I am a debtor.”

* A strong desire. “I am ready.”

* A shame lacking. “I am not ashamed.”

As Paul had an obligation to deliver to the Romans something Jesus had given him for them, so we have such a gift and obligation to deliver to our culture. He did not feel disgust for the Romans, he felt  dedicated to them. Currently believers are indebted to our culture to live and share the good news.

He was eager to fulfill his debt to them. He felt this so strong he appealed to the Roman authorities in Israel to send him to Rome to be tried at the risk of his life.

This truly showed he was not ashamed of the gospel. Shame is the tool used by so many progressive groups in America. If you dare to take a stand for biblical morality, you should be prepared to deal with the shame that is sure to be hurled upon you. No one likes to be humiliated, criticized, belittled and above all, shamed.

Count it all joy you are considered worthy to suffer for the cross. Doing so does not mean things will be OK, but it does mean you will be OK. Be careful what you fall for while faithful and bold in what you stand for. Be bold enough to stand for the right even when shamed. Have a good understanding of what you advocate. Be able to support and defend the faith. Then dare to step out of the crowd and willing to stand alone. Don’t be ashamed of what it is for which you stand. Don’t let anyone use shame to shut you down, speak up for the right.

Such holy boldness resulted in the Christians putting out the fires on the altar of the goddess Diana and lighting the gospel torch even in the palaces of Caesar. Their cause prevailed, the Roman culture is extinct and Christianity extant.