It’s off to Work We Go

In every relationship, whether a working environment or simply a group relation, there are three groups. Following the listing of them, before you judge others by them, evaluate how others might judge you by them. They are:
1) People who get it. 2) People who don’t get it. 3) People who never will get it.

When there is something to be done some people “get it” right away. Others “don’t get it” without detailed instruction, and continual supervision. The third group is people “who will never get it.”

If you are a supervisor, after a time of instruction you realize there are people who will never get it. You have to decide if that is the type of people you want to be associated with socially or working for you. If it is a working relationship the only alternative is to gracefully and tactfully explain to them you need a person with a different skill set in the position and replace them, or gradually part company with them if it is a social relationship.

We are not only called to work, but to work well, as if we are working for God Himself (Colossians 3:23-24). God is the One who gives us the ability to work (Exodus 31:2-6), and we honor Him by living up to the limit of those gifts (Matthew 25:14-30).

Before considering those three categories in a working relationship consider them in a social relationship, an interpersonal relationship. Some people are a desert when it comes to having social skills. That is. they have none.

Socially it is virtually impossible to try to improve a person’s social skills. The best way is to model such skills. Addressing them otherwise can engender hostility. Every person has faults, you just have to decide whose faults you are willing to tolerate and make those persons your friends.

Applying the three classifications in a professional working relationship is in itself a stewardship. After constructively observing a person’s performance in a job it can be decided if they “don’t get it’ or if they “never will get it.” Work with the first person of the two long enough to ascertain if they will “never get it.” It is poor stewardship on behalf of the supervisor who allows a person who will “never get it” in a professional position to continue in the position. Releasing such a person is when a supervisor earns their money by performing such a task. Professionally it is expedient to document warnings and training given a person and ultimately the reason for the release of the person.

The person “who gets it” becomes a valuable employee deserving of advancement. If you are an employee don’t simply dream of success, work for it.

I commend my life long theme text: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men… (Colossians 3: 23).