Ready for Christmas

Some people spend so much time and money getting ready for Christmas they loose the spirit of the season and overlook its real meaning. It is a season like no other. The biblical story of the birth of Jesus gave rise to the original celebration of the season. Soon commercialism took advantage and commerce encroached. Such is good if it is not allowed to overshadow the reason for the season. The slogan “Jesus is the Reason for the Season,” helps keep the main thing the main thing. There are other aids in doing this.

In the decoration of your residence include figures and decorations that include Jesus. At one time we had nearly 100 nativities on display at Christmas. At least one should be on display. If there is a child or children in the home have one with which they can play.

Play music centered on the Christian Christmas theme to aid your focus.

Attend the special Christmas music and drama at a church.

Read and reflect on the Luke account of Jesus’ birth. 

Such things help keep the focus clear.

Now, are you ready for Christmas?  Consider your response in light of this.

“Ready for Christmas,” she said with a sigh
As she gave a last thought to the gifts piled high.
Then wearily she sat for a moment and read
Till soon, very soon, she was nodding her head.
Then softly spoke a voice in her dream,
“Ready for Christmas, what do you mean?”

Ready for Christmas when only last week
You wouldn’t acknowledge a friend on the street?
Ready for Christmas while holding a grudge?
Perhaps you had let God be the judge.

She awoke with a start and a cry of despair.
“There’s so little time and I’ve yet to prepare.
Oh, Father! Forgive me, I see what you mean!
To be ready means more than a house swept clean.
Yes, more than the giving of gifts and a tree.
It’s the heart swept clean that you want to see,
A heart that is free from bitterness and sin.
So to be ready for Christmas is to be ready for Him.”