The Beatitudes Part 6: Needed – A Pure Heart

Note: This post is part six in a series of eight posts on the Beatitudes.


On a mountainside overlooking the Sea of Galilee Jesus shared with His followers what we call the Beatitudes. Notice, they are the “Be” attitudes, not the “do” attitudes. In this series, we will explore other verses, but now let’s focus on “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”

The word translated “pure” was used, meaning free from soil or stain, free from hypocrisy or a double standard, morally free from stain and shame. We must avoid the tyranny of a self divided. 

The pure in heart are without hypocrisy; without a secret motive.  Christ often appealed for us to examine our motives. 

There are three temptations regarding impure motives:
The temptation 1) to shine, 2) to whine, and 3) to recline.

On the breastplate of the High Priest was an item known as the Thummim.  It signified integrity.  The High Priest could not enter the Holy of Holies to stand before God and seek His will unless He was wearing it, signifying his purity of heart–his integrity.  As he wore it over his heart, so our hearts must be pure if we are to approach God.

The Greek word translated heart, kardia, in the time of Jesus was the term used as a synonym for the total person.  

The term “see” meant to know and experience God. To have a pure heart is to better experience God. Furthermore, to see means to commune with and explore.

In Bible times monarchs were constantly in danger.  Only one person could go in to see the king without being invited and undergoing a security check.  The prime minister was chosen because of his friendship and loyalty to the king.  It was known he always had the king’s interest in heart.  Thus, he had instant access when he desired it.  The spiritually pure in heart have access to the throne of God in prayer.

This Beatitude teaches us that a person who has only the welfare of God, that is a pure heart, can enter His presence at any time in prayer.

“Every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure.” (I John 3:3)

Check out your heart, that is, do you have only God’s welfare in heart and best interest in mind. That gives you a pure heart, affording you a good prayer life.