The Docket of Witnesses

Let’s review the resurrection and the aftermath.

Jesus had died a quivering corpse on a cruel cross.

The Centurion thrust his lance into His side piercing the flesh, slitting the pericardium, and puncturing the heart.

Calloused Roman soldiers who gambled at the cross cursed and swore – – – – “He is dead.”

Elders, whose deception lead to His death attentively listened to the report – – – – “He is dead.”

Sadducees who shunned the supernatural rejoiced to hear – – – – “He is dead.”

Caiaphas, intoxicated with envy, sighed in relief at the account – – – – “He is dead.”

His lifeless body was placed in the tomb. Death reached a new depth.

For three days death celebrated around the tomb.

Death’s cold hand stamped His life – – – – “Fiction.”

Death’s dirge drowned out life’s song.

There would be no appeal from His lifeless lips. Then God said – – – – SURPRISE!

Jesus had forced open the old door of death that had been locked since the death of the first person. The Easter story does not end with a funeral, but a festival.

Not a casket, but a celebration. The resurrection deserves not our applause, but our allegiance. Not our compliment, but our compliance with His will. The resurrection is heaven’s amen and earth’s hallelujah. The courts of earth had condemned Jesus to death.

The appellate court of heaven reversed death’s decision and pronounced Him as being alive.

A variety of people walked with, talked with Him, touched Him, and dined with Him. He was seen indoors, outdoors, on a sunny beach, and on a shadowy roadway.               

Note these observances: “… He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. After that He was seen by James, then all the apostles, Then last of all He was seen by me…”  (I Cor. 15: 5 – 9a). He who was decidedly dead was obviously alive.

In light of these insights make certain you have asked His forgiveness of your sin and committed you life to Him for time and eternity so that you will hear from Him: “Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25: 34).