The World in Which We Live

Take a look around. What you see doesn’t give you a good perspective of what it is really like. The media dramatically influences what you think it is like. The media tends to mold our mind. It significantly influences our opinion of our culture. Take the following test to gauge your opinion in light of what really is.


Before you see the following survey results, answer the questions, and then see how you score against the Nation & against the Facts. Don’t cheat, take the test, then look at the answers.

* What percentage of the country is black?

* What percentage of marriages are mixed race?

* What percentage is “Latino”?

* How many families make over $500,000 a year?

* What percent of Americans are vegetarians?

* What percent of Americans live in New York City?

* What percentage of Americans are transgender?

* What percentage of your fellow citizens are gay?

The Poll Results

A recent poll was conducted by “YouGov”.  The results to these questions were reputedly asked of average people on the street. Reported are these poll results versus the actual statistics.

* What percentage of the country is black? Answers 41%. Actual 12%.

* What percentage of marriages are mixed race? Answer 50%. Actual 1%.

* What percentage is Latino?  Answers 39%. The actual numbers are 17%.

* How many families make over $500,000 a year?  Answers 26%. The actual figure is 1%.  People tend to think a quarter of the country is rich.

* What percent of Americans are vegetarians? Response? 30%. Actual 5%.

* What percent of Americans live in New York City? Answers? 30%. Actual 3%. 

* What percentage of Americans are transgender? 22%. Actual number 1%.

* What percentage of your fellow citizens are gay? Result? 30%. Actual 3%.

So why do people have such inaccurate thoughts on these counts?  It is because of what they watch and listen to!  The media runs race, gender, and wealth stories constantly.   

Be a vigilant guard at the gate of your vision. Be the sentinel at the door of your hearing. Most of all, fortress your mind.

Our national media is brainwashing many.  Regardless of what you think, less than 20% of Americans use “Twitter” yet Twitter reputedly controls 80% of public opinion.

Following is wise council: “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;” (and might I add, or my ears). Psalm 101: 3