You Are A Promise, A Possibility

God hasn’t asked you to be the best at anything. He just wants you to be your best at everything.

Don’t measure yourself by anybody else. You, the unique you, are your standard.

Resolve to be your best at everything.

Some will remember the lines from an old Gaither Vocal Band song, “I am a promise, I am a possibility, I am a promise with a capital “p,” I can be anything God wants me to be.”

I have my life’s theme text posted several places around our house: “Whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not to men” Colossians 3:23.

That results in emotional equilibrium.  If you do what you do to an audience of one, and people criticize you, you don’t get depressed. You didn’t do it for them, you did it for Him.

If you do it to an audience of one and people brag on you and praise you, you don’t become egotistical. You didn’t do it for them, you did it for Him.

It is His approval, not man’s response that matters.

Aspire to be your best self always. Make this a moment of commitment to the Lord to always be your best.

“You are a promise with a capital “p.” You are a great big bundle of potentiality.”