Right Is Right

Pluralism is popular. That is, the beliefs there are no absolutes, they are relative. Unfortunately that develops a culture where no one knows right from wrong. Sociologist Margaret Mead wrote: “What we need is the downfall of a single standard.”

William Law writing in the eighteenth century shared this parody of what life would be like physically if nobody knew the use of physical objects. He did so  to illustrate from a physical view what things would be like spiritually if no one knew right from wrong.

“Let us suppose a person destitute of that knowledge which we have from our senses, placed somewhere alone by himself, in the midst of a variety of things which he did not know how to use; that he has by him, bread, wine, water, gold dust, iron chains, gravel, garments, fire, etc. Let it be supposed he has no knowledge of the right use of these things nor any direction from his senses how to quench his thirst, or satisfy his   hunger, nor to make use of any of the things about him. Let it be supposed, that in his drought he puts gold dust into his eyes; when his eyes smart, he puts wine into his ears; that in his hunger, he puts gravel into his mouth, that in pain, he loads himself with the iron chains; that feeling cold, he puts his feet in the water; that being frightened at the fire, he runs away from it; that being weary, he makes a seat on his bread.

Let it be supposed, that through his ignorance of the right use of the things about him, he will vainly torment himself whilst he lives, and at last dies, blinded by dust, choked with gravel, and loaded with iron. Let it be supposed that some good being came to him, and showed him the nature and use of all the things, as would certainly, if observed, make him happier for all that he and deliver him from the pangs of hunger, thirst, and cold.  

Now could you with any reason affirm that those strict rules of using those things that were about him, had rendered that poor man’s life dull and uncomfortable.

We are mistaken to think release from moral restraints will make us happy. These guidelines rather protect us from ourselves and can lead to joyful living.”

As knowing how to use physical things makes for a better life, so knowing and applying spiritual values makes for a better life.

William Penn observed, “Right is right though all be against it, and wrong is wrong though all be for it.”

Gravity is a law not to restrict us, but to comfort us in knowing that we will come down if we jump up and not fall off the earth. Every moral restraint is for our good, intended to let us know the moral boundaries within which is our security and comfort.

“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death” Proverbs 14:12